Who you touched this year…
                                                  the One. 
The “One” single mother Norma, abandoned by her husband to care for her daughter alone.   
                                  Palenque, Mexico
The “One broken teen Marlon, abused by his father and left feeling he has no one to turn to.
Candelaria, Nicaragua         
The “OneSocialist country, where darkness conceals the name and face of Christ.
                                    Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
The “One prostitute in Pattaya, a city enslaved by the enticement of sexual strongholds.   
        Pattaya, Thailand                 
The “Onelost Buddhist Roni, who searched for truth and found it in Jesus!
                                           Phnom Penh, Cambodia
The “One” Muslim ‘Anna,’  blinded and deceived by the world’s false religions.
      London, England                    
 The “Oneremote church in Africa, lacking resources and laborers to accurately teach God’s Word.
                                         Matchovane, Mozambique
The “One” woman dying from AIDS, Dudupreparing to leave behind her 9 month old baby.
 Nsoko, Swaziland
The “One little boy Ndudusi, snakebitten victim who God spared from death.
 Nsoko, Swaziland
The “Onehungry Pastor, who walked miles upon miles to receive teaching and training.
           Zomba, Malawi                   
The “Oneman ready to give it all up for Jesus, Ferdi, former Romanian kickboxing champion.
                                              Viile Tecii, Romania
The “Oneforgotten, rejected, and persecuted people group around the world, the Gypsies.
Viile Tecii, Romania                 
The “Oneorphan, questioning where they belong and whether they’re truly loved.
                                                 Kiev, Ukraine
Throughout my journey this year, God spoke to me.
The one person, the one circumstance, the one people group, the one nation, the one world.
There were moments I was overwhelmed by it all.
The person, the circumstance, the people group, the nation, and the sting of this entire world.
“God, is this pain worth it?”
I am more than worth it,” He says.
“…because in my vastness lies detailed intimacy,
 in my creation lives a creator who is specific and personal,
 in my universe is a message desiring relationship with my people,”
He replies. 
and so I’ve concluded,
” Even if it were just for One, it was all worth it.”
God sees the One.


  Thank you Supporters!

Through our partnership this year we have not only touched the world, but 

 we’ve seen the One.