What in the world does transformation & onions have in common?

        “We want to be women of faith, yet often worry becomes our middle name,” (Dillow, 124). If any of you are like me you may have a slight tendency to worry (ok maybe a lot more than slight!) I worry about way too much…from how I’m going to finish my support raising for this trip, to my relationships, to my future, to my current circumstances, and my life purpose. Maybe you can relate.

        Lately, God’s spoken very clearly about this area of my life through a book called Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow. 

  • “The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith. The beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.”   – George Muller
  • “All our fret and worry are caused by calculating without God.” –Dillow
  • And my favorite, “Worry is like a rocking chair; it will give you something to do but it won’t get you anywhere.” -Dillow

         So, where does the transformation & onions tie in?  Well, a couple of weeks ago I was in that in between stage of sleeping & dreaming, yet partly awake. All of a sudden I had this picture of a white onion. Yah I know, random! Just this single white onion. What in the world? The next thing I heard was, “layers.” I thought it was the coolest thing when it was happening, but fell back asleep and forgot about it. Later in the day when talking to a friend it popped back into my head and I realized God was speaking to me through an onion! He was so delicately reminding me that he still wanted to do a lot of work in me, stripping away layer by layer all that was unnecessary, one including worry.

         So, the next time you’re eyes are watering while you’re peeling an onion, think about what layers God may be peeling away within you and remember God can speak even through onions! J