Wow. A year ago we got the text that we were coming home due to this thing happening around the world called Corona Virus. I can still picture Lauren walking into my room telling her teammates that we were going home. I still remember myself shedding a few tears and walking next door to share the news with Alli and Megs. I still remember the anger I felt when I called my mom with so much frustration at the situation. I still feel the immense sadness that fell over the most beautiful place I had ever stayed. I remember our squad trying to find new housing for us all to spend our last days together. I remember Megan fighting for us. I remember it all like it was yesterday.
As much as I remember that day we found out the news of going home, I remember the days that followed so much clearer. I remember arriving at our last home on the race (freshly not cleaned from the people who had stayed previously, but the host graciously letting us come float in the pool anyways.) I remember each teammate and squad mate showing up at the house being given the biggest hugs not knowing when we would give our last hugs to them. I remember taking my last adventure day with some of my favorite friends – playing with elephants and getting those silly fish pedicures. I remember that last meal that Jeffers and Stokes made us. I remember the bed bugs in Alli and I’s bed and just laughing at the irony of being more scared of bed bugs than a pandemic. I remember that last worship night with my sweet squad (I will always cherish this moment). I remember the dance party that followed (including spilling my water and having Stew slip in it and resulted in her foot being in a boot for the next 5 days of traveling home, sorry Stew). I remember sitting around the table eating all the snacks and drinking all the boba tea with Tee. I remember the laughs shared and singing children’s choir songs and comparing the motions we all grew up with with Cassandra and Katy. I remember the walks on the beach at sunset with Lauren, Bailey, Tess, and Kelso. I remember the day that I didn’t have enough money to pay for my uber eats and our airbnb host paying for my whole meal. I remember so clearly not wanting it to be over.
I remember sitting in the Phuket airport, staring at the ticket counters. I remember trying to spend the last of our Thai Baht on little gifts in the Bangkok airport and scrambling to try and get an all squad photo. I remember my bug zapper being taken in Taiwan (still upset about being called to the counter and not being upgraded to first class). I remember just crying on the last flight to California. I remember being overwhelmed at the English in San Fransisco. I remember saying goodbye at the baggage claim to Bailey. I remember Megan not recognizing Ana because she had a mask on. I remember Alli’s passport being locked up because she was carrying a banana. I remember the jet lagged morning watching the sunrise. I remember the phrase “I’m glad it’s not a high, but a depth”. I remember the walks by the ocean with Al. I remember Nicole and Justin coming out to sit with us in this grief. I remember leaving my squad and getting lost in the airport because I hadn’t travelled alone in a year. I remember sprinting through Detroit to make my last flight. I remember being told I could sit in first class. I remember crying and the flight attendants sympathetic smile.
I remember my dad meeting me at baggage claim and me insisting that I could carry my freaking heavy pack one last time. I remember the drive home and all the red lights. I remember seeing my dogs for the first time in a year. I remember quickly packing up to go quarantine up north by myself. I remember the text from Mads and Stokes asking if they could come quarantine with me that next day. The next fourteen days were the best! I remember the road trips across the state with empty roads. I remember Stoke’s reaction to Lake Michigan for the first time “It really is like the ocean!!” (I had been trying to tell her all year! 😉 ). I remember ordering pizza and being shocked at how big they were in America. I remember binge watching Tiger King and Love is Blind. I remember attempting to process everything. I remember the long walks with Cosie. I remember almost burning the cottage down when we lit the puzzle box on fire on accident (we should have lit that puzzle on fire instead). I remember accidentally stealing chocolate milk. I remember that chik-fil-a stop while taking them back to Indiana.
And while I wish to never forget those 3 weeks. I hope to never forget how God got me through it all. How He was with me before the race. How He was with me on the race. How He was with me in this last year with the Corona Virus and will continue to be with me after. More importantly I hope to never forget who He is and what He has done for humanity – sending His son to save the WORLD (every person, past present, and future)! I would love to have some eloquent post about what He has done for me, but I could never do it justice. Instead, I would LOVE for you to listen to the song Remember by Bryan and Katy Torwalt. Then take time to remember what He has done in your own life. Maybe write down just start with 2 things you’ve seen Him do in your life, OR go off and write more if that’s what you need to do. He has done so much, and He can do it all again. DON’T TELL ME THAT HE’S FINISHED YET. PS if you need another song, Greater Things by Mack Brock is great! Hey, just need a new playlist – these are the songs that got me through the race!
Friends, I wrote this post three days ago and today I needed this reminder to remember who He is and what He has done. It’s okay if you’ve forgotten. Just remind yourself to remember.