Hey! So as ya’ll know I am back on the field here in the US of A. He has shown me a lot during this year; from leaving the country to evacuating Peru to being quarantined to living in Colorado. This season of life is throwing me for a loop… but God sees every detail. One thing that he has highlighted through the craziness is community and the different kinds of community. The Lord has been taking me through Romans and the letters Paul wrote to the church and it has been blowing my mind. If you don’t  mind I have been wanting to share it with you. I write how I speak, so please excuse my grammar…


Right off the bat in Romans 1:11-12, Paul is saying how he longs to visit Rome and be in community so that they can can encourage one another in their faith. A healthy Christian community encourages each other and build one another up. Likewise, We are to live in harmony with one another (Romans 12:16) as long as it depends on you (Romans 12:18). Because, we are one body (Romans 12:4-5).  If a community is in discord the body does not function properly. A hand cannot be a foot nor and eye be a nose. A healthy Christian community works together, each member is equipped with what they need to help the body function properly (Ephesians 4:16). However, we are human. It is impossible for us to never mess up. So, we are also told to forgive (Colossians 3:13). We will screw up and hurt each other, because non of us is perfect and all will fall short (Romans 3:23). The Lord has forgiven us, therefore we must forgive each other and bear with one another in love. Peace, harmony, and encouragement are all core elements of a healthy Christian community… but there is one more element that is just as important… accountability. For this I am going to step out of my theme and turn the what Jesus said in Matthew 18: 15-20; call your brother and sister out. But you do it right. Jesus said to have a one on one and confront. However, when doing this remember the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). If they refuse to acknowledge their sin, that is when you bring others into the situation. Always remembering, to speak with love and kindness (Proverbs 15:1), to avoid further conflict.


Isn’t it neat how the Bible complements itself. I hope you go look at these verses for yourselves because the Bible’s pretty cool. Also, if you have anything else that I missed comment and help me grow and learn (Proverbs 27:17). 


If you are not in a healthy, functioning Christian community rooted in scripture that is challenging you to look more like Christ, I pray that you ago out and find one. In Hebrews 10:24-25, it states to  make a habit to meet together. I pray you take it to heart. Being in community has helped me grow in ways I didn’t know were even possible.