Hey. I am chillin at SpringHill in Evart, MI (one of my favorite places on Earth). I have been here for almost two weeks now, and so many things have happened!
I have experienced so many encouraging moments, hard decisions, and joy-filled times so far. Out of all of the things that have happened, getting promoted to leadership is my favorite! I prayed that God would give me opportunities to affect people in different ways and learn new things, and that is what being part of the leadership team here has provided me with. There are a few things that allowed me to be successful in this transition and have the self-confidence to believe I could do it.
1. Genuine encouragement from those around me.
2. A lot of prayer.
One of my bosses is incredibly good at giving genuine, real compliments. I always know that he will give feedback that is real (whether it is good or bad) and I know that he will encourage me to improve my weaknesses and use my strengths. I see God in him. He uses his strength of encouragement to build up the strengths of others. It is amazing what he does for the people around him. Although he did have a lot of influence in my decision (and probably the decisions of the other bosses), he was not the only one. Many people gave me the encouragement that I needed to believe that I could be successful in this job.
I had to pray a lot to figure out what God was leading me towards. Prayer is not something that is always easy for me. It can be awkward. It can feel like you’re not doing anything… but I have learned that faithfully praying for things can make so much difference. Last year, I prayed for the right job to come into my life and I found SpringHill. This year, I prayed that God would give me ways to affect people differently and I changed from High Adventure to Boat Driver Lead. God provides when you ask and believe.
The biggest thing that I have learned from this process of changing jobs is that you just have to be who you are and strive to improve at what you are doing. God calls us to be genuine and real with people. He calls us to be who we are and encourage others to do the same.
Romans 12:9-13 says, “9-10 Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. 11-13 Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.” (Message version)
To me, this is about how I want to live my life. I want to be real with people. I want to create an environment where people can be themselves. I love that God outlines how we should live and how we should affect others. Hopefully I can live up to the expectations in front of me and what God lays out for us.
I am pumped for the new challenges of this summer and the new things I am going to learn. We will see how it goes!
Favorite quote of the moment: “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”