During our night of worship a few
of the girls decided that we needed to heal a little girl named Fea.

Let me tell you a little bit about
Fea. She was found in a trash bag in the
middle of a field when she was only a couple of weeks old; she is now 3. She has cerebral palsy because she was
deprived of air for who knows how long. She
is constantly drooling and cant form any words. She has little to no control over her bodily functions. She can barely hold her head up, her arms are
constantly folded in toward her body and her hands stay clenched in a fist; she
doesn’t have control over her fingers. One of her legs is about 5 inches longer
than the other one, her feet are turned over in a way and she is not able to
put her feet flat on the ground. She has
been like this her whole life and we wanted to heal her. We knew that because of our faith God would
heal her. She is His, she is His child,
she is His daughter, His bride, His beloved. He gave her a voice and He wants her to use it! He wants her to be able
to run, jump, skip, play with the other kids. Her story will glorify the Lord, her story will reach nations, her story
will point to him. 

The next day we brought her into
the house where the volunteers live. We
began to pray over her. Prayed for
healing, for strength. It was so
encouraging because I would be hearing a word from the Lord and then someone
else would be getting the same word. It
was like God kept confirming,

“See Kristen, I am speaking to you, you ARE
hearing MY VOICE, continue to listen”


So I would, every time I felt the
Lord telling me we needed to pray for something in particular I would say it
out loud and listen to what I was discerning. The rest of the team was getting words as well and we all kept listening
to our spirit and praying over her, over her body, over her brain, her muscles,
every inch of her body was covered in prayer. 

We all had our eyes closed praying
to God and then he just told me:


“You are asking for a miracle, yet you close
your eyes, OPEN your EYES and WATCH me work! Believe that you are going to SEE
it Happen!”

With this we all opened our eyes we
waited knowing that God was going to show us something, we were going to watch
Him work. And with that we saw that leg
that was about 5 inches shorter than the other GROW until it was the length of
the longer one! PRAISE THE LORD!

Side note: The whole time we had
been praying Fea had not drooled one time! Her usual never ending pool of drool
was completely dry. 

The praying continued. Soon she began saying our names! This child
had NEVER spoken a single word in her whole LIFE! There was a carpet on the
floor (it had animals on it), she began pointing to the animals and saying what
they were… “Elephant, Lion, Giraffe” What! She knows animal names!!

Her arm muscles began to loosen and
little by little they fell to her side. Her fingers became unclenched and she began grabbing things around

We wanted her to WALK. We wanted
her to RUN! Prayer prayer prayer. And
then God said:

“Why are you waiting to see some drastic
transformation in her body before you let her try? You say you have the faith
that I have healed her, yet you aren’t letting her up to actually try and
walk. If you truly believe she is healed
then have her WALK, give her room to WALK. You are waiting to see before you actually believe! Believe she is
HEALED! Believe it enough to TEST IT!”


Moment of truth. We all backed away from her. She had NEVER walked before. She can barely crawl. She was on her knees hobbling from one person
to the next, trying to grab hold of her. She was going from person to person trying to get someone to hold

And then it dawned on me. What would I feel like if I had never walked,
never talked, never crawled, never been able to do anything in my short life
and these strange women were proclaiming things over me and telling me that I
can walk! Would I believe them? Probably not. Then I realized she needed truth spoken into her. I looked in her eyes and began telling her
in heaven, He wants you to WALK, He wants you to SPEAK, he has a plan for YOU,
you have a STORY to tell! Over an over! Do you know you can walk Fea? Do you
know God Loves you? Do you know Jesus DIED for YOU!

She lifted her arms, looked to the
sky and said “Amen!”

Its time to take her outside. God wanted us to TEACH her how to walk. Standing behind her, I barely touched her
with my fingertips. The kind of trick
your dad plays on you when you learn how to ride a bike, you think he is
holding on but really he has already let go and you are riding on your
own. She started with little steps, slow
and cautious. Then little by little it
got faster. Her little steps became a run. I was still afraid to let completely go of
her. I didn’t want her to fall on her
face. Again the Lord calmed my nerves

“Kristen, let her go. Do you believe she is really walking? ‘yes’
Then let her walk, let her run’ ‘but what if she falls?’ ‘Did you fall when you
learned to walk? She will be OK, She will get up and she will walk again. Even
if she falls it doesn’t mean she is not healed” ‘ok God, ok, you have her.’


PRAISE THE LORD! That little girl
was a moving like never before. I looked
at her “FEA Jesus healed you!! Jesus LOVES YOU!” She started jumping up and
down and screaming sweet praises. 

Two of her orphanage brothers that
had watched her grow up came over and were in awe! “How, what, when, Fea? Did
Jesus do that?” One boy told the other “See
I told you God was real!” They then
asked “Does God only do miracles at night?” sweet sweet boys! They both accepted Christ in that moment!

Fea’s story will be told all over
the world! And every single day she will continue to get stronger and stronger.
 Praise God for his daughter!