What an amazing realization it is to know the Lord takes control of our surrendered lives. At first thought, not having control over my life gives me anxiety and stress. I want everything to work out when I want it to work out and how I want it to work out. But GOD’S PLANS ARE SO MUCH BETTER! In the past few months I have learned this truth harder than at any time in my life. From worrying about fundraising, to having just graduated and feeing like nothing makes sense, I have felt more out of control these past few months than at any point in my life. However, sign after sign and conversation after conversation has led me back to this firm truth- I am not in control, The Lord is in control, and His plans far outreach my own. This truth which once gave me anxiety now brings me peace. What a relief it is to know I have lost control of my life! It brings me comfort to know He knows every detail and every movement of my life before I do. The Lord has used some of the weirdest people in my life to show me this. My biggest donation so far has been from an atheist I’ve met once. WHAT!? Someone I overlooked sending a letter to saw a post on my Facebook and donated. God is so AMAZING to use the unlikely and overlooked! If I could urge any of you reading this to do something, it would be to let go of the false security you have in earthly things. Cling to Jesus, the one who loves us more than anything, and lose control of your life. I promise it’s worth it.