IT HAS BEEN AN ENTIRE MONTH SINCE TRAINING CAMP. WHAT!? “Why are you just now writing this blog post, Kori?” That’s a very good question, hypothetical audience. I’ll tell you why.
I really don’t like feeling hard things. I don’t like goodbyes, I don’t like missing people, and I don’t like facing sadness. Being vulnerable isn’t easy. Writing blogs where I discuss my emotions isn’t easy. However, I know I have incredible stories to share and my goodness I’m gonna share them! (Also, we had an entire session at camp about not giving excuses for not blogging, so I will own up to my lack of posting hahaha.) Without further ado, here was a glimpse of my training camp!
(Sorry last thing I promise! So much happened at camp I will have to break this blog into separate parts. This part will be about the people I’ll be spending 9 months with!! It’s not super emotional, but I really miss y’all v squad!)
Meet my squad: a wild bunch of kiddos (and by kiddos I mean 18-20 year olds) who each have a unique and incredible relationship with Jesus. Some of them are nature loving crazoids who basically live off granola and live in their enos. Some are artsy as heck and bring an array of paint and pens everywhere they go. Some are loud. Like so loud I don’t know how they haven’t pulled their vocal chords loud. Some are quiet, interactive listeners who process their thoughts and feelings in ways I’ve never seen before. And all of them love Jesus in their own unique ways, who are bold in their own unique ways. Something I learned right away at camp is that the way people interact with Jesus may be completely different than how I interact with him. This to me shows the magnitude of His character, and shows how freaking cool he is! I love my crazy squad and I wouldn’t want to do ministry with anyone else <3
Meet my team:
Chooch: a wild child from Texas who I already know is going to grow so much this year. Her vulnerability is beyond inspiring. Her willingness to own up to her shortcomings is incredible and humbling. Her wisdom is beyond her 19 years of life. And she is the prettiest tomboy I’ve ever met!! AND SHE’S HILARIOUS. But don’t let her beauty deceive you into thinking she’s weak. Despite having “ pretty hair down to her belt loops” (hahahaha) she is the most strong-willed lady I’ve ever met. Homegirl has a fractured pelvis and CRUTCHED around camp for 10 days and never whined about it!!! She even cheered us on while we did our hike (oh boy I’ll talk about this in my next blog). We even shared a tent willingly and built a “garage” for our backpacks out of my tent footprint and my rainfly. We make a great team!! ;~)
Maddie: I think Maddie is secretly an 80 year old woman stuck in an 18 year olds body. This lady is wise, witty, genius, brave beyond words, and pays attention to details I would never notice. She’s the kind of friend who will call you out on your mess and humbly receive words of encouragement in her mess. She kindly gives great feedback that is encouraging and grounded in truth. She loves the Lord passionately and deeply. She fights for what is right and she stands firm in her faith. She is one of the strongest people I’ve met, and she always shares her chapstick #accutanebuddiez. I cannot wait to see how the Lord is going to stretch her this year.
Gillian: at first glance Gillian appears shy and quiet, but that is a false assumption! She is hilarious, sarcastic, caring, attentive, hyper at times, and has a heart that I believe is going to shine so brightly on the field. She is a team player who patiently puts up with our crazy personalities and she has so many important things to say referring to scripture. Her attention to details makes me believe she will plant so many seeds this year. I’m so excited to see what the Lord is going to do through her this year. Love you GILLian ;).
Mack: if dynamite had a face it would be Mack. This lady is energetic, spontaneous, passionate, willing and eager to learn, and yearns for interaction. She may be small, but her love for Christ is big. And she somehow manages to look cute after 10 days of living in the forest. Like…how?? She is personable,engaging, and I believe the only extrovert of our group (correct me if I’m wrong ladies!!). She adds pizzazz to our team unlike anyone I know and I cannot wait to see how the Lord will blow her mind this year.
I am overjoyed to spend the next year of my life with these incredible people. I am so happy to see them again in just 21 days!!!! Again, I would like to apologize for my lack of blogging, but I will be sure to post more soon. Thank you so much to all who read this! Much love.
Peace and blessings,
Kori Moon.