It’s official! I’ve been accepted to the World Race, I’ve secured my spot, I’ve started a blog, AND I’M IN CONTACT WITH MY SQUAD MATES!!!

As many of you know, in January 2016 I will be starting an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries around the world. I will be going to Haiti, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Panama, South Africa, Lesotho, Mozambique, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

This site is what I will use to track my adventures and share with you all about what’s on my heart during this journey. I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am for this next year of my life. As for now until December, my fundraising journey has officially begun. For the World Race to become a reality, overall I need to raise $16,962.

My first deadline is September 25 and I need to have raised $3900

 In the next couple of weeks, I will be sending out support letters to give people an update on my life, what I am currently doing here in the States, and an in depth explanation of the World Race and Adventures In Missions organization.  Over the past year I am continuously learning what it looks like to trust God with both the smallest and biggest things in life. Giving Jesus complete control over finances is one of my weaknesses resulting from my independent and prideful nature. I am learning to be diligent in putting away the money I make at work towards my trip, and will continue to work and save all the way up until I leave. I have seen the Lord be faithful time and time again, and I believe wholeheartedly that He equips those He calls. $16,962 is a big number, but we served a BIG God. I am excited to see how God uses this time of fundraising to stretch my faith and challenge my view of Him. I would love for you all to be a part of my journey prayerfully, and if led, financially! If you would like for me to put you on the list to receive a letter you can comment on here, Facebook me, or text me!! And if you would like to donate right now online, click the “Support Me” tab you see on the left of the screen.

Also, for all of you creative minds, if you have any great ideas for fundraisers I am all ears and would really appreciate suggestions

If are interested in hearing more about how God led me to this trip, I would LOVE to chat about it! Call me!! Thank you so much to all of you who have shared so many kind words and encouraging thoughts and prayers.



–If you would like to keep up with me every time I blog, subscribe right under my blog profile picture and it will send you emails when I have posted!


“Give praise to the Lord, PROCLAIM his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” Psalm 105:1