I have had the absolute joy and privilege to live and serve alongside these 4 amazing women for the last 4 months. They have taught me so much and loved me so well!

So with team changes happening at debrief in a few days (I’m gonna miss my Nugs so much!), I wanted to look back on all that they have taught me, what we have done, and what we have been through together these last 4 months.


Chelsea is wise beyond her years! She is so in tune to The Father’s voice and what he says. She had this incredible thing where she literally invites him into EVERY decision she makes during any given day. Chelsea has taught me what it looks like to strive for all that God has for you and to not settle for anything less than his best. I want to be like Chelsea when I grow up!


Holly has been an amazing source of encouragement to me and has shown me so much love in the hard times. She is always calling me higher into what The Lord has for me and is always making sure that I take things back to him to see what he has to say. Holly has this gentle yet tough spirit about her and it makes you want to spend so much time around her so you can try to figure it out (still trying to figure that one out).


Erin has taught me what it looks like to selflessly serve others while still taking care of yourself and what you need. She leads our team with such ease (at least it seems that way) and always points us back towards the Lord when we are going off on little tangents (happens a lot on our team). Erin has this amazing way of getting you to look at things from a perspective that you don’t always think of/see.


Jenny has taught me what it looks like to have joy in all situations, even the ones where you want nothing but to curl up and not participate in life. She has this great gift of making you see things from all the points of view possible. She is gentle and kind yet tough. She can make you laugh when you don’t want to but really need to.

These girls have been a tremendous blessing to me these last 4 months and I am so thankful that God placed us on a team together for the first 4 months of The Race, because I seriously couldn’t imagine have started this thing with anyone else. I LOVE you awesome nerds!!

<3 Kimberly