You may be asking yourself “Didn’t I already read this nlog?” and you may have, but I wanted to re-post it since I took the password off my blog!


I asked my sweet friend and #Nug4Life Jenny to write blog for me and all I can say is… well I’ll just let the blog speak for itself!



Kimberly. Who is Kimberly? She is a chosen daughter of Christ is who she is. She is someone who portrays the Lord’s acceptance well. Sometimes I can find myself in a room swimming in anxiety with what to do and who to talk to and who will accept what conversation from me and all the other overwhelming feelings people get when they walk into a large group. That feeling like in high school trying to find someone to sit with at the lunch table, but if Kimberly is in the room I always know her heart for me, I don’t have to question whether she will accept my presence because she always does.  I have never seen her turn someone away especially if she has had two seconds to get to know you. She knows the meaning of genuine love that meets people where they are at. Her loving acceptance mirrors a piece of how the Lord loves.


I got to be with her for four months on the race. She was the first one that poured out her heart for our team in cute encouraging notes, and the notes didn’t stop at launch. I would randomly get notes from Kimberly that were uplifting and pointed me back to Christ. When you live life in such close proximity you begin to learn everything about the people you are with. You get to see the things that are adorable and easy to love and the things that aren’t as easy to love in each and every individual.  


This woman of God has knocked down some walls in her own life in just the short 4 months I have gotten to live and learn from her. She shared the hard things and persevered even when she felt like giving up at times and the difference it made in her is so evident. She walks more freely. She is going head first into deeper intimacy with the Lord. She is fighting for boldness in ministry and she isn’t giving up. She has been fighting all the obstacles the devil is throwing at her throughout these four months. She has had some hard times come up but she hasn’t stopped sharing, she hasn’t given up. She continues to pour out for God’s kingdom!


She brings loyalty, care, and love to the people we have encountered. I saw her step up while she poured out encouragement to the church we were leaving in a place like Indonesia where Christians are torn down for their beliefs and discriminated against. I have been able to see her pour out her love and chase kids around at an orphanage in the Philippines. In Thailand, I saw Kimberly form deep connections with our hosts and pour out her huge heart for them in any way she could. I saw the sacrifice and saw her step into things like prayer and teaching again. Her boldness grew this month! In Cambodia she did the same thing day in and day out and was separated from the rest of us for the most part and she absolutely thrived. She made the best of it and quickly figured out how she could be a light for Christ cooking with the host’s daughter every day. She put so much love and respect into her work when many could get discouraged.


Kimberly is a very resilient, loyal warrior for God! I love her so much and I cannot wait to see what 7 more months of growth will bring out in her. Not only in her but how her allowance of Christ’s light to shine through her will affect and bless those around her and build kingdom! Get the people on our route from around the world a chance to get to meet the heart Christ gave Kimberly! Don’t let money hold her back, donate to her blog!


<3 Jenny



I am $2,629 from my final goal of $17,400… How much are you going to donate today? the link is right at the top of this page 🙂


<3 Kimberly