Here are some photos of my month here in Kosova… I wish I could show you the kiddos I worked with this month cause they’re the cutest little things ever!!

I am seriously going to miss Kosova so much and really do hope I get to come back at some point!!


We spent a few of our off days relaxing in our hammocks in the park by our house


The Texas group we got to meet and do ministry with during #IMPACTKOSOVA2018… they were such a huge blessing to our team and we are so thankful that we got to meet and serve with them for a week… and we now have an even bigger family!!


Me and Terry… My Texas Grandpa


One of the little girls I got to work with this month


The Park we got to walk through on our way to and from ministry each day


Our Host took us on a tour around the whole country of Kosova one day


Team Seven Wonders (Candace, Shelby, Cassie, Vanessa, Heidi, Amber and Me) and our amazing Squad Leader Holly


Team Fiesta night… we made tacos and laughed so much


The young man I got the honor and privilege of praying with as he accepted Jesus into his heart


That’s all for now!! We head to Romania bright and early in the morning for Month 8!! I seriously can’t believe we are heading into Month 8 and that we have only 4 months left of this crazy journey!


 <3 Kimberly