These are just a few of the things that happen when you sit in a coffee shop for 2 hours trying to get your laptop to work again…

  • You get stared at by everyone who walks in #onlywhitepersonperks #notreallyaperkthough
  • A group of guys comes from the back of the coffee shop/restaurant and sneakily tries to take some selfies with you, and then proceeds to go back into the coffee shop/restaurant #Iknewwhatyouweredoing #notsneaky
  • You spend all your time playing puzzle games on your phone because your computer is taking forever to install new software #PraiseGoditsworkingnow
  • Your butt gets sore from sitting in a chair because your usual space (with couches) was already occupied #mybutthurts
  • You write this blog to share about your experience #sharingiscaring



I know this isn’t much of an update, but it’s what I got for ya this time! Stay tuned for a month end blog (possibly with pictures) about my time in Indonesia! Also how is month one already almost over?!?!


Fundraising Update

I am currently $839 and 23 days from my $13k deadline!! Would you please consider making a donation by clicking on the link above (by 2/25/18) so that I can continue spreading the love of God?