Most days, I feel like I am about to loose my mind. I must admit,I am failing miserabley at the fasting. Not in the denial part; I’ve been doing that for a few weeks now. I started fasting on July 31 in preparation for my trip to Kenya. My failure lies in not using this time to listen and pray. It was my intention from the beginning to really seek God in a deeper and more personal way; but I have given into business and worry. I have three days before I leave for Kenya, and I don’t know how I will possibly be ready in time.

On my way to our packing meeting this morning, I turned off the radio and poured out my heart to God, and asked Him to forgive me for putting him second. I was a great time of tears and joy, as He brought me peace about the days ahead. I still don’t know how I am going to do it, but I know this is one of those times that I need to just press forward and trust that He will make it all happen.

In case you were wondering, the reason I haven’t posted my bio or any blogs is that my computer is incompatable with this blog server. I am staying at a friend’s house tonight, and taking advantage of her computer as well. I will figure out a way to keep in touch when I get back from training.

Pray for our team as we are in Kenya, and for the Kenyan’s we will be working with and serving. We leave on Wednesday the 16th, and return on Sept 5. One of my team members is also doing the race, she is on team A. We will be coming home long enough to get a shower and grab our other bag before heading back to the airport to fly to Atlanta. Please pray that our flights will not be delayed at all so we don’t have any problems getting to Atlanta. Also pray that we will be able to get adequate sleep on the planes so we are functional for training.

I am a little overwhelmed with all that is going on right now, but I now it will all work out. It will definately be good practice for next year.
If you want to follow up on our trip, you will be able to read updates on Look for prayer sites, missionaries, Kenya or something like that. The site is not set up quite yet, so I don’t have the exact details.

I am really looking forward to meeting everybody in Atlanta. The next four months are going to go so quick. Praise God that He is in control!