Hello from HOT Delhi, India.  I have to admit that I have had no desire to come to India.  When I saw India on the itenerary, I was scared.  I have always heard hot ….HOT it was, how DIRTY it was, and all the stories of the “left hands” scared me.  Ever since this trip began I have been blocking out thoughts of India.
Well, I have now been in India for over 24 hours and I cannot remember a time that I have been happier on this trip.  I am staying at an orphanage along with all the other World Racers.  I am surrounded by 80 of the cutest children in the WORLD.  Yeah…It’s HOT (at least 115 today) and pretty dirty, but we have plenty of water to drink and access to showers.  India is AMAZING!!!  Did I say it was HOT????
Each World Racer has been assigned 3 “special friends” to love and pray for.  I am already falling in love with my 3 boys!!  Thomas is 11, Jonah is 10, and Nanzotan is 9.  They are very shy and barely speak English, but their smiles could light up a room.  We played follow the leader and cricket (which is not as cool as baseball) yesterday.  This morning I prayed with them and then they played doedgeball with some of the other boys.  They would look over to make sure I was watching and then they would smile so big.  I still do not know their stories of how they came to this orphanage, but I can tell they need to feel loved….I am prepared!!!
Yesterday I got to introduce all the World Racers, play games, and sing songs with the whole group of kids.  I challenged all 80 kids to memorize a bible verse.  Today, I woke up to 3 girls telling me they knew it (at 5:30).  Before 8 am, 60 kids told me the memory verse.  I am really impressed!!  3 John 1:4  “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
Today, we started our “jobs” at the orphanage.  I decided that I would like to serve the kids as much as possible instead of just playing with them.  There are so many World Racers who really wanted to play with the kids.  I chose the medical job along with 3 girls from the brown team.  We treated the girls’ hair for lice.  Some of the girls got haircuts and all of the girls (and some boys) got the good old fashioned lice treatments.  I have NEVER seen so many bugs in my life.  We are going to treat every child for lice while we are here.  It is going to be a task! 
Just being here is such a blessing!  God knew how much I would love INDIA.  I am so thankful for unanswered prayers!!!  Please pray for mended hearts of the children here.  Also, pray for their health, more food, and more water!!  Thanks.  God Bless!!!  Did I say it was HOT????

Sorry there are no pictures; I was unable to add them on this computer.  I will try at my next opportunity.