WOW…It is May 1st.  I am sitting in a Starbucks in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia.  We are flying to India in about 3 hours.  I am really missing Thailand right now.  I had such a wonderful month there, despite the heat. 

My favorite part of Thailand was spending a week with a South African Missionary family.  I camped in their front yard with the Lime Team!  I got to spend a lot of time with two of the CUTEST kids in the world.  I went to Tennis lessons, played games, read books, watched movies, went shopping, drew a map, and watched them ride their bikes/scooters.  I enjoyed every minute. 

Now, we are going to a place that is VERY far from the ocean!!  That part…I am not looking forward to.  We are going to get to work at an orphanage which is so exciting.  I am prepared to hug every single kid in that orphanage and spread the Love of God.  I have been wanting to work in an orphanage my whole life…! 

I cannot wait to share all the stories with you all after this month.  We are not expecting to have access to the internet…so you probably will not hear from me for a while(AGAIN).  INDIA HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!