Jessica and I are in beautiful Prague (Czech Republic).  We are leaving tonight for hopes to participate in World Cup ministry and go to a game.  Our plans are not in stone though, so…if anyone has connections with tickets (hint hint) let me know.  We have had many amazing adventures over the past 3 weeks.

Greece                                       Italy                        




Czech Republic

When travelling so much in such a short time you tend to forget all that happened.  Putting up these pictures is bringing back memories….
I have laughed so much that my stomach hurt, been to the hospital 3 times (never for myself), slept on the deck of a boat, ran and missed trains, saw the sunset, jumped off a moving train, rode in an ambulance (i miss you SARAH), walked in rain at midnight with my heavy backpack UPHILL, went to an opera, ate gelati almost everyday for a week, skiied the Swiss Alps, went to the beach, walked through a glacier, slept in 0 degree my TENT, ate real Italian pizza, saw the Pope, turned 26, went in the olympic stadium, sat in train stations for hours, saw the real Matterhorn, toured Rome, went to Pompei and did not listen to a word the tour guide said, rode along the Amalfi Coast, yelled opah in Greece, rode in a convertible, went in a castle, slept on a train, and best of all… have met some really amazing friends along the way!!! 

We still have 5 days left in Europe.  I am really looking forward to seeing who God puts in our path.  Please continue to pray for our safety and the health of our friend Sarah who started out with us and is now in America getting the medical attention she needs.  She is feeling better and is just waiting for test results.  I miss her!!!!!!!!!!!  Please pray for all the World Racers all over Europe. 

Thank you all for your continued support.  Love, Kim