Hello from India.  I am still loving our ministry at the orphanage.  I definitely feel blessed to be here. I feel that I am learning so much about the love of Christ through these children.  Their daily routine is very demanding and I have not heard one complaint.  Every morning we wake up at 5:45 and prepare for a church service at 6.  I have become…”Auntie Kim, The Memory Verse Girl.”  I quiz the kids to see who learned their memory verse from the previous day.  You would be amazed at how many kids know them.  I give out so much candy!!!!  Then, breakfast is at 8:30.  This morning I de-licified (washed hair with lice remover) the boys in between church and breakfast.  We have to do as much as possible in the early hours of the morning because it gets SO HOT!!!  After breakfast, we separate all the kids and they go to classes.  Lunch is at 1:30 and we have an afternoon church service at 2:30.  From 3:30 to 5:30 is rest time because it is too hot to do anything else.  I usually paint the girls nails or play games with the boys at this time.  I have been known to take some great naps with the kids!!  At 6:30 we have evening church where each World Race team teaches a lesson.  I teach the kids a bible verse and then one of the kids preaches.  I have learned so much from these 13 year old preacher boys!  At 8:30 everyone eats dinner and then gets ready for bed.  You do not actually fall asleep until at least 11 because it is so hot.  Have I mentioned that it is HOT. I am not complaining, just making sure you all get the point. 
Last night was the funniest night of this entire trip.  Most of the girl World Racers are camping in our tents in the front “yard” of the orphanage.  The “yard” is just a big dusty field.  Well, there has not been much in the way of wind UNTIL LAST NIGHT.  We were all sleeping so good until about 1 am (not really sure of the times…i couldn’t see my watch)  when a HEAVY breeze swept through the “yard”.  I am serious when I say that they were hurricane force winds.  (I have lived through enough hurricanes to know)  My tent was blowing so hard that I thought I was going to end up back in the states.  It was not just a heavy breeze that felt nice, the wind was picking up all the dust/dirt in the “yard” and blowing it directly into our tents.  We were all awake and laughing so hard.  We could barely talk to each other because the dirt was going in our mouths.  I had a sheet that i put over my whole body, tucked it in at my toes and under my head.  I could feel the dirt fall on me.  I told everyone if they couldn’t find me in the morning to start digging!!  I woke up at 4 in the morning and saw that I had at least an inch of dirt everywhere!!! I had to get out of there.  So my morning started at 4 am. 
Slept through a dusty, hurricane strength wind storm in India…CHECK!!!  Just another adventure to add to my resume. 
So, as you can see I am really enjoying my time here.  These kids have
definitely stolen my heart…as they have everywhere (Dad)!!! My great aunt emailed me and told me that I should adopt a kid in every country and have my own United Nations.  If any of you can find me a husband who would like to do that…let me know!!!
I cannot upload pictures on this computer…so once again this blog is pictureless!!!  When I find a computer that accepts my camera…watch out…I have a TON of pictures! 
I hope all is well in the states.  I really miss America!!  I am excited to go the rest of the way around the world and then meet up with all of you in November/December.   Mark your calendars!!! Please continue to pray for the children here in India. 
P.S.  Today, we are taking half of the orphans to Pizza Hut.  The other half tomorrow.  These kids have not left the orphanage in 2 1/2 years.  I am excited to see their faces when they eat PIZZA.  I am also excited to eat PIZZA!!!