Since there is a crazy thing called war going on in Israel, we are no longer going there… so that was 10 days that we had to decide “what to do”. So… after much prayer we have come up with our “new route”.

Are you ready…


We will be leaving here on Sunday (July 30) and traveling to Ancona, Italy. From there we will head to Greece to walk Paul’s journey for 2 days (Aug. 1-3). From there, we will race to Epheses, Turkey where we will walk in Paul and John’s footsteps and study Revelations (Aug. 4-11). Then we will go to Egypt where we will be camping (imagine that) and doing ministry with 200 youth, but also taking time to see the pyramids (Aug 12-31).


After enjoying the cheap shopping J…hahaha in Egypt and getting to see the pyramids we will jump on a plane and race to Nairobi, Kenya (Sept. 1-2). The American team will then get on a bus and head to Uganda where we will be ministering for the month, while the South Africans minister in Kenya (Sept. 3-23). We will then all meet up for debrief… where else but the Kenya/Tanzania border… the Serengeti J… yippy!!!


Travel down to South Africa (Oct. 1), there we will have prep time before heading to Lesotho (Oct. 2-4). Then we will all race to Lesotho (Oct. 5) where we will be doing our next couple of weeks of ministry (Oct. 6-17). From there we will have 2 days of travel before stopping to camp in the Eastern Cape and then racing off to the Wild Coast (Oct. 18-22). We will race to the Wild Coast (Oct.24) and do a couple of days of ministry there.


Then comes our last days countdown… we will have a final race to Jeffreys Bay, SA. Have a debrief time there and also do ministry with Beat the Drum… have a World race 06 formal J and then part our separate ways on Nov. 21. L

WOW… I can not believe that we are down to our last 3 ½ months. This year has flown by and so much has happened, it seems like just yesterday we were leaving Matamoras racing to Vera Cruz with a full year ahead of us.