for those of you that do not know… we are in cairo safe and sound… we arrived at 4am sunday morning and are enjoying our rest as we wait on the rest of the groups to get here.

i just wanted to let all of you know how good our God is. we arrived at the istanbul airport saturday morning with no problem other than it being so hard to sleep on the bus (a 12hrs bus ride the night before). after getting starbucks we camped out in the airportl and got some much needed sleep. 3hrs before our flight took off friske and i went to the turkish airlines office to get our tickets. while we were there the lady said we had to pay $30 as an admin fee and the difference on our flight. well after her trying to figure out the number we owed her, her phone rang which was very random and she hung up and immediately said never mind you dont owe anything… not even the $30 admin fee. PRAISE THE LORD… so we got on the plane no problems other than being an hour delayed and now we are here in cairo and He has provided us with an amazing place to stay. we have BEDS… AIR… and the best part.. it’s cheap.

we do have a major prayer request though. we are having problems finding flights that we can afford that will get us from kenya to south africa. nothing is in our budget. we have been praying abou this for some time now (months) and feel the lord is going to provide something for us, or the money that we need. i have made contacts with several people and many of times i come back empty handed… however, since i have been here in cairo i have gotten a couple of other emails from seth and some others that i have checked out. one of the ladies emailed me back today with some flights that are at group rates that are still not in our price range, but are significantly cheaper. if all goes as we hope, we are trying to get those flights book and stand in FAITH that the lord will provide us with the money that we need.

we ask that you will please stay on your knees with us in this.

thank you so much for all of your prayers that keep us afloat.