Our squad is called the “H Squad.” We are 54 people deep and full of passion for being servants for the Kingdom! At training camp we were all divided up into teams of about 7 people. These teams are the people that we will be traveling with around the countries with. The entire H Squad will be united for debriefs but primarily we will be in community with our teams. Total there are 8 teams and my group is one out of two all girl teams. We are called the Gentle Warriors!!
We all chose this name since we felt that we are Warriors for God’s kingdom proclaiming His truth among nations but at the same time we embrace our feminine side that we are gentle women who want to serve the poor, the widows, the hungry and the weak. These verses in particular really spoke to us:
“Whatever town or village you enter,
search for some worthy person there and stay athis house until you
leave.As you enter the home, give it your greeting. If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it isnot, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Matthew 10: 11-16
Here are some individual descriptions to help you all know my teammates:
Renee Ramirez
“The Visionary”
She definitely knows how to keep her focus on God and the task at hand that He has presented her with. I love how passionare she is at keeping all of us focused on God.
Stephanie Tryna
“The Power House”
This woman of God is a full time student, works and fund raises all at the same time!! She is a powerhouse and never stops going. She definitely knows how to use God’s strength!
Tonya Norman “The Team Player”
She is our team leader and I love the way that she is passionate about all of us growing together in our spiritual gifts as a team and as the body of Christ! I am excited to follow her:)
Erica Talley
“The Goof Ball”
She is definitely quiet at first but once she feels comfortable she is completely someone who cracks jokes all the time! I love the fact that she is always down for a new adventure because that will definitely happen on this trip!
Rebecca Billings
“The Encourager”
She is an amazing encourager to the team! She always finds ways to send me a message or remind me to grow in my spiritual gifts! I am confident that God is going to reveal to her more of her spiritual gifts on this trip!
Jenni Weir
“The Enthusiast”
I love how pumped up this wonderful woman is about our team being an all girls team!! Its like God has given her eyes to see how we will be working in the field for God!
Embark on a Life-Changing Journey with The World Race: Gap Year!
Discover, Serve, and Grow – Join a Global Community of Change-Makers!
Explore diverse cultures, make a lasting impact, and deepen your faith on The World Race. Our global missions program is your chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a world of transformation. Join us on this extraordinary journey of service and self-discovery.
When you sponsor a child it not only provides a hot meal, clean water, discipleship, and basic medical care for the child, it also supports their family by inviting them through the gates of the CarePoint to receive training, discipleship and mentorship.
Consider linking arms with us to impact children, families, and communities in Eswatini, South Asia, or Guatemala!
Explore Italy in 2024! Are you ready for a life-changing experience? 🌟
Immerse yourself in the rich culture, history, and beauty of Italy. Make a positive impact through service and community engagement. Challenge yourself, grow spiritually, and develop leadership skills. Forge lifelong friendships with like-minded adventurers. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore Italy like never before!
Three months in Italy… say less!
World Race Study Abroad 2024
The ultimate semester abroad in Italy – explore ancient history, vibrant culture, and deepen your faith. Join us for a journey that will equip you to impact the world, while earning college credit.