Wow!!  Berlin was amazing!
What was so incredible about it?
Living out this ministry with our missionary family and their friends felt so natural.  We lived in a house that was like a small hotel.  There were different flats that had room for different families as well as dorm style rooms for us.  This ministry just felt like “real” life.  We lived in community with our family the 10 of us world racers and our family Chuck and Della and their 4 amazing kids and with several other people in the house.  We worshiped together, we went as a HUGE family together to ministry and we just loved one another.  It just felt amazing to have such a close bond to a family after just meeting them!! 

I truly felt that those relationships were promises from God to me.  I felt that the month before in Ukraine was a reminder of my life before the race when I lived in fellowship with Christian women in an apartment out of college.  In Ukraine most of us women had our own ministries and we would come home and share with one another about what we did.  But in Berlin we worked as a family unit.  We helped one another out, encouraged one another and pushed one another forward with love.  I feel like God was showing me that my life will look like this in the future that it was a promise to me that He is going to bring crazy cool godly people into my life that will help me out, encourage me and love me.  God reassured me that He would handle things like He has done this whole year.  Month after month this year God has shown me how faithful He is and that I can trust Him with everything including my return home.
God, again I surrender to you.
I am nervous about losing this huge community of Racers that I have gained but I know that God is going to provide in crazy ways.  I also know that God wants me to move into a new season where I am putting on a new coat.  One that doesn’t fit yet but one that I will grow into.  Each day trusting Him and watching Him blow my mind with what He can do through me. 

Get ready I am coming home!!!
I will be back November 24 in Michigan.  Thank you for your support.  I will be posting some picture and video blogs soon☺