

Done and done.

The end.




My cd is done!

Thanks to the love, support, brilliance, and talent of the Mission Viejo Christian Church worship band and friends, the cd, Between the City and the Sea is ready for distribution!


How much are they?”

Donations only.
We can’t put a price tag on all of the love that went into this project.
Whether it be $15 or $15,000, whatever donation you can make will be much appreciated.


Where is the money going?”

All proceeds from this project go to fund my missions work on The World Race.
Your money is tax-deductible and is helping send me to GO.
To see the specifics of where your donation goes, make sure you subscribe to my blog updates and follow me for the next 11 months!


How do we get one?”

Instructions for donating: 

(edited in 2010: Well, the cds are no more. Thanks for reading though. 🙂


Kim! How did you get to DO this???”

I really am so glad you asked…. I’ve been so thankful to have worked
with this caliber of musicians–
both in heart and in talent. They are
undoubtedly worshipers at their core.
Please take a minute to read the story here:
The best way to….


At the cd release in the beginning of November, we raised over $3,000 in donations towards my trip.

Produced and arranged by Mitch Ross, Pison Productions 2007

All photographs by Shauna Couri :: shaunacouri.com
