
“Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past.
        See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
               I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
                                                                                                                                  ~Isaiah 43:18-19

       If you asked me a year ago what I would be doing with my life in 2008, the answers I would’ve given you would look nothing like the reality of what is to come. You see, I had plans. I had hopes and aspirations. I had great devotion to people and places and causes, none of which were bad in the least bit. But surprise… my idea of the future was obviously not His… and since he’s waaaay more creative than I am, and has been doing this for waaaaaay longer than I have, and since He’s the Alpha and Omega and all, we’re going with His plans.

“I see a generation rising up to take their place
With selfless faith, with selfless faith.
I see a near revival, starting as we pray and seek,
We’re on our knees, we’re on our knees.”
-Hillsong United- “Hosana”

What if….
…our generation claimed our place? …What would that really look like to begin operating in the authority we have in Christ? In boldness? In truth? Trampling over fear and insecurity, doubt and confusion, forging ahead like William Wallace or Maximus?
What if we had the kind of faith that was so selfless in nature that we could not help but fall before Him in humility… and what if that kind of knee-bent submission and unadulterated passion led to a revival of hearts and minds wherever it touched?

Its possible. When we begin to put more stock in His word than in our experience, its possible. And I believe its our destiny.

      Lately, I’m frequently being reminded of this fact: we are on a narrow road. A road that few find, and even fewer choose to walk on when they realize what it will cost them.

…Because it will cost EVERYTHING.
Our plans. Our comfort. Our material connections. Sometimes our relationships. And always, our SELF.

That means that God will show up in ways you thought inconceivable, speak to you in ways that throw you off guard, tell you things that actually require FAITH to believe, and then give you the CHOICE to walk in it.

      That means that whatever you thought was best for your life pales in comparison to the plans He has for you.

       Yes, Lord. Let the new thing come. Do it in it’s entirety. Blow our minds. Manifest yourself in ways we’ve only read about– deepen our faith. Teach us to hear Your voice, and to act in obedience to it. Soak this desert with life, and raise the dead… And do it all for Your glory.

“How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on when in your heart you begin to understand,
there is no going back…” -Good old Frodo Baggins, Lord of the Rings

You don’t Frodo. You don’t pick up the threads of life re-created. You ‘let the dead bury the dead’, you begin to swim in the streams in the wasteland, and you run for the prize ahead. And you watch Him smile, delighting in your freedom because of His finished work.

Because He still makes all things new.
