Apply for the June 2009 World Race (deadline is March 1st)

Guatemala. The nation of Guatemala is a region known for its spectacular beauty, volcanic ranges, rich cultural heritage and Mayan roots. Temple ruins from the past speckle the landscape and stand as tributes to the historical significance of the country’s spiritual history. Guatemalans are people of art and expression; yet, very few see the beauty around them as evidence of a divine Creator.

The developing country of the Ukraine stands caught between its past oppression under the U.S.S.R. communist regime and the desire to be accepted into the Western world. The forgotten and marginalized of this area are quick to be found if one looks close enough. Come be a part of a revolution, taking back a region from the bondage of Islam and other folk religions. It’s a new day for the countries of Eastern Europe!

Israel is the epicenter for pilgrimages worldwide. The Holy Land attracts Jews, Arabs and Christians alike to be a part of a location so rich in our combined religious roots. Serve in this new World Race location while walking the paths that Christ Jesus once did.

Enter a world of lions, elephants and monkeys, and welcome to Africa. Potentially the most fruitful of mission fields, northern Mozambique and Malawi is seeing sweeping revival in the form of mass conversions, miracles, and churches planted on a daily basis. Teams will be a part of breaking the hold of fear on the people bound by witch doctors and animism.
Swaziland made history by being the first country to reach a 51% HIV/AIDS infection rate across the general population. Through lack of education, superstition and other such deceptions, it is speculated that in 50 years, the country will no longer exist. Though small, Swaziland has great potential to spread the light of Christ to all of Africa.
Enter a world entrenched in Islam. A people with the thriving metropolis of Kuala Lampur, Malaysians still live in ignorance of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Delve into this culture of works-based religion, strong self-discipline, and uncanny faith, while delivering hope and pointing the people to their Redeemer.
The 17,508 islands that make up the nation of Indonesia are as diverse as their population. Certain areas are completely untouched by outside influences; others carry the exposure, even if only for a moment, of the Gospel story. Be prepared to explore uncharted territories and forgotten areas to further the cause of the kingdom of God.
The Philippines exists as an Asian nation marked by notable Spanish influences. The Catholic church and the Spanish derivative of Tagalog (the national language) display a developed and developing front. Yet, the Filipino people are in need of truth to combat their folk religions and deceptive fronts, allowing them to understand God’s greater purposes for their lives. They are a strong, beautiful people found in a marvel of God’s creation that includes volcanic lakes, island beaches, beautiful mountains, etc.
Even though the official law states that prostitution is illegal, it is estimated that nearly 2 million women and men engage in this practice daily thus creating the lucrative sex industry of Southeast Asia. In addition to reaching out to the rural communities of Thailand, we go to the streets, into the darkest of spiritual environments to share what is most needed: hope. By helping women learn practical vocational skills and providing an alternative form of income, the face of Thailand’s premiere sex industry is being changed one life at a time.