As some of you may know, for years I have had a huge heart for overseas missions and a desire to serve the Lord in that way. However, I had no idea what exactly that would look like and when I would be able to start that journey. I have been privileged with 2 opportunities to serve overseas on short term missions trips. The first one was to Honduras in 2011 with Hampstead Baptist Church and Word of Life, the second was to Haiti this past February with Hampstead Baptist Church and Mission of Hope. Both were incredible experiences that the Lord really worked through and taught me a lot about himself and about what it looks like to serve in a place totally different than what I’m used to. I still feel called into overseas missions but have been struggling to figure out what that looks like, in the mean time I have been looking for opportunities to serve while I figure out exactly what is is God has for me. In fact, the reason I am writing is to tell you about some very exciting news! As some of you may know I have the amazing opportunity to join a team called World Race. World Race is an 11 month long missions trip all over the world. The unique thing about this trip is that each month we go to a new country. The countries I will be going to are; India, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Macedonia, Greece, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Botswana, Swaziland, and South Africa. After much prayer and consideration, I know that this is what the Lord has for me next in life and for that I am so excited. With that being said, there is a lot of preparation that goes into this before my launch date in January of 2017. The total amount that I need to raise is $17,017 which I am trusting the Lord to provide the financial means necessary to go on this trip, He is faithful! I have already seen Him work in big ways and I know that He will continue to. Overseas missions is a huge task to take on but none of it is possible without supporters back home to pray for, encourage and financially support those on the field. I hope that if you have a heart for overseas missions, helping others and seeing them come to know Christ you will prayerfully consider how you can support me. I will share more about that with you soon. Thank you for taking the time to read this and sharing in my excitement on this journey!