Let’s start the broad strokes. I am a child of the one true King. I am an Eagle Scout and an Environmental Scientist, according to the piece of paper the University of South Florida gave me. Okay, detail time. I am currently a paraprofessional at Fairmount Park Elementary School. Which means I am a teaching assistant and I love my 2nd grade class and all the amazing teachers I work with.

                I was born and raised in Saint Petersburg, Florida. I have attended Pasadena Presbyterian Church my whole life. Where I sing in our praise band and praise choirs. I am involved with our food distribution ministry.

                My hobbies include… but are not limited to… coloring (Yes, with crayons), working out, cycling, backpacking, gaming (tabletop), and most recently fundraising. I have also been called a nerd (mostly by my sister), and if liking Sci-fi and Fantasy makes you a nerd… then, Yeah! I am a nerd. LoTR, Dr. Who, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Firefly. If you like at least one of those, I am sure we will be fast friends.

                More specific details; why am I going on this trip? A very good question reader. I went on my 1st international mission trip when I was 12. I went to Nicaragua. For the week between Christmas and New Year’s. This was the first time I saw true poverty and seeing children and adults ravaged by malnutrition. This was also where I was a clown who made children smile with balloon animals and tomfoolery. And then preforming in skits to convey God’s love even though I did not speak the language. I guess you could say this is when I caught the Mission’s bug.

                Unfortunately, for me these past 7 years of college I tried living life my way and on my terms. One of the effects of that mind set was a 4 year degree took me 7 years.  There were good times and there were bad times. But, it was not until I made a Via de Cristo weekend, which is a 3 day Christian retreat focused on your relationship with Christ. It was during that retreat that I finally and fully submitted to God’s will for my life. This World Race is a step on the journey that has been laid before me. During this process I am completely reliant on God because there is NO way I can do this on my own.