Words.  They’re a valuable tool.  They can be used to speak hatred, gossip, encourage others, and glorify God among other things.  Think back to conversations you had this week.  How did you speak your words?  Taming the tongue can be a difficult thing to do when we witness so much hate, destruction, and negativity in our world today.  And, I admit, I lose my cool sometimes too.  I gossip.  I definitely have work to do in my own life. 

There have been so many headlines lately about threats and school shootings.  Bullying is on the rise.   Marriages are ruined by hurtful words and actions.  Gossip spreads like wildfire.  Many grandparents would tell you their mouths would have been washed with soap if they would have said some of things that children say these days. 

The Bible tells us in Colossians 4:6 that “your speech should always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”  Proverbs 16:24 says, “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”  Clearly, we aren’t supposed to spread rumors, put others down, or swear, but instead should pray for others, give compliments, use encouraging words, and praise God in our daily conversations.  When we are in God’s word and truly devoted to him, these encouraging words come easier too!   

If society would be encouragers, the world would be radically different.  Yes, we make mistakes and misuse our words, but if we actively tried building each other up, wouldn’t the headlines in the paper look differently?  We wouldn’t hear headlines of division, but instead of community. 

My challenge to you: inspire and encourage someone this week! Will you write them a note and place it on their computer screen?  Send a text to a friend you haven’t spoken to in ages?  Write a poem for your spouse?  Send flowers to a friend.  Let’s make this world a BRIGHTER place one word at a time!  Use your “tools” wisely! 

 **Today’s blog was inspired by a Bible study I attended last night focusing on speaking wisely and also the song “Bleed the Same”. **

Another HUGE thank you to all donors so far!  I’m 19% funded!!!