As I’ve been preparing for church camp, I’ve been wrestling with the theme for the week.  The main theme is “Fortress” coming from Psalm 94:22 (But the Lord has become my fortress and my God the rock in whom I take refuge).  At Youth Camp, we are focusing on God as our refuge.  I was going back and forth about ideas for my door decorations when I finally pinpointed what I wanted to do: A lighthouse with little sail boats.  The lighthouse of course representing God (our navigation system–always there so we have a landmark when we become lost and to warn us against dangers ahead), and the sail boats (all the girls in the room). 

Out of the lighthouse, I have streams of light.  Each beam has a characteristic of God (Savior, Rock, Refuge, Strong Tower, etc).  He is always guiding us through still waters, storms producing choppy waters, and the obstacles in our path.  He is the light in a dark and troubled world.  Where do you find shelter, strength, endurance, and a guide of how to live your life?

God welcomes each and every person with arms wide open.  You need to confess that you have made mistakes and have sinned, accept the salvation Jesus provides, and profess HIM as your guiding light.