As some of you might know or have heard, I’m planning on going back to Africa in about a MONTH!!!
WOW! Time has been flying since I’ve been home! I apologize to all of you for my delayed blog–things are a bit tricky these days and I wanted to have my information correct (well, at least the best as I can right now) before I shared. I know it’s always changing, always shifting; so let me share with you what I have right now!
I’ve been meeting with a lot of people; having a lot of phone calls and discussions, and trying to adjust back to life here at home. It’s been good; it’s been lovely; and at times, even challenging and frustrating. Through all of this, these things are apparent to me:
-I want to pursue missions longer term (I’m still not quite sure how I am defining “longer”…I just know I am most alive while in Africa working with different organizations, and I’d like to keep pursuing that.)
-With that being said, I’m looking for people to partner with me “longer” term–in prayer and financially. If you are willing to pledge a monthly, quarterly, or annual donation, please get in contact with me. At this point, I’m still an independent missionary, not affiliated with or under any organization; therefore, I cannot offer any forms of tax deductible donations. At ANY point, I will share with you my finances so you can see how the money is being used. I keep detailed records of my incoming and outgoing money and want to be fully transparent with you in how the money is being used.
-As mentioned above, what my missionary life looks like right now is a bit unconventional…maybe even to some a bit whimsical. But, I’ve been learning, whimsical isn’t necessarily bad. (Love just DOES, as Bob Goff would say) It’s allowing for Holy Spirit to move. What I mean by all of this is: being a missionary with multiple organizations in a year isn’t typical. Usually you hear about missionaries staying with an organization for years at a time. For me, it’s been cycling through different organizations, learning of new ones that need help, and obeying to be the hands and feet of Jesus, wherever that may be. Making an impact, moving on to another one for a bit, and then going back to check in on them again. Not all the disciples stayed in one place. They moved to different towns. They wrote letters back to the communities to encourage. And then they went back and checked on them. It allows for growth and new perspectives, all while still developing relationships. It’s like learning to let your child grow up…sometimes there will be mistakes in the learning process. Sometimes they have to make them for themselves, and then you gently come back and reassure them that they are still loved and that the hardship, the mistake, or whatever it was–doesn’t define who ultimately holds them and loves them.
-So, I need to have a lot of faith, trust, flexibility, patience, and be actively listening to the Lord for direction.
Now the dets you want to know, and how to fight in prayer with me! 🙂
-I’ve been working with a travel company to find a flight…currently I’m looking at leaving March 15th and coming home mid-December!
-A PCR COVID test is needed within 96 hours of ARRIVAL in Kenya (as per most airlines) instead of going by the typical hours needed BEFORE DEPARTURE. That being said, finding a place to get a COVID test (when you don’t have symptoms), with SUEPR QUICK turnaround has been challenging. Most say you’ll get results in 48-72 hours. 72 hours is too late. I have leads on two different places. Please join me in prayer that whichever one I choose will have the results in the time needed. Because of this, I have not booked my flight officially, which I MUST do soon.
-I am not getting the vaccine before I leave. Please pray for protection. I have complete peace about my decision for this.
My ministry looks a little bit like this for the year:
Rwanda: I was hoping to go back to Rwanda this year, but the Lord had some other plans. Although I knew 2021 was mostly to be spent in Kenya, I didn’t expect not to visit Rwanda. However, with the complexities of COVID, and HOPE requiring outside visitors and missionaries to be vaccinated, I will not be joining them physically this year (unless some other door opens). However, they are always in my heart and prayers, and I still talk to the team members regularly. I look forward to still partnering with them in the future.
Kenya: I will spend the beginning of my time and end of my time here. I’m hoping to meet up with some Kenyan friends and do life as ministry with them…finding ministry wherever our footsteps may lead us (churches, outreaches, etc). I might also check out compassion international for a day or so near where one of my friends lives. However, my main focus will be with Wildfire Ministries–ministering to the Pokot people and the sponsored girls. Everything and anything from: working with a girl on her English, devos with the ladies at the house, kid’s camp in Pokot, travels in and through Pokot to build relationships and share the love of Christ, working on the newsletter, and hopefully just being a blessing to my host family.
Uganda: After about 3 months in Kenya, I’ll head to Uganda for about a 3 month period. I’m hoping to meet up with some Ugandan friends, and I will also be reuniting with some World Race friends to do ministry together. I’m so excited for this opportunity! When I was in Uganda for the World Race, I was with a group of guys and we did ATL (ask the Lord). I’m going to be going back to some of the locations and people we ministered to, and then also be working with God’s Children Ministries. With God’s Children Ministries, I will be able to pour into the orphaned kids at that location and the poor families in nearby villages. It’s more of a grass roots organization, so I’m excited to see what other “skills” I can bring to the organization during my stay. My friend Kristen and I might take a week or so and also work with a refugee camp in Northern Uganda.
Of course, all these plans are super flexible and we will see how the Lord leads when I’m actually in all of the locations!
I’ve been trying to work on a new budget this year, which is why you haven’t seen a lot on my fundraising goals. I was aiming for $10,000; but have decided to put it back up to $12,000 (like I had done last year), which still may be a little low.
I am looking at myself as a missionary and that is my career. The monies raised will not only go towards living expenses on the field, but also the ability to just live life as a human (on a frugal income). *If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!*
As of right now, I’m 42.4% funded of $12,000!
*Venmo: @Kelly-Fahnestock
Thanks for believing and praying with me for the great things God will do!
He is a: Way Maker. Miracle Worker. Promise Keeper. Light in the Darkness.
Check out the video below–I spoke at a church about a teeny tiny bit of last year and plans for this year!