I came home a few weeks ago, and I’ve been a bit silent.  It’s been hard for me to find the right words to write.

But, the Lord has still been moving in my heart and spirit.  He’s revealed this message to me in several different ways (before I left for Kenya, during my time in Kenya, and after returning home), so I obviously need to share it. 

As you all know, I had to leave Kenya because of my Visa expiring.  I was devastated.  As I wrote in a different blog, there was closed door, after closed door when I was trying to find other places to go.  I finally decided to come home and spend 2 weeks with my coaches (mentors) from the world race and then the rest of the time with my family before heading back to Kenya.

The Lord knew this is what I needed.  During my two weeks in Florida, there was a lot of rest.  One of my coaches ended up getting COVID, so there wasn’t much running around.  I was completely fine with this, I needed rest and to reset my spirit/soul. 

While I was in Kenya this year, two of my friends had me go on a long bike ride with them.  My coaches in Florida love bikes.  Who knew the two worlds would collide—and I would also learn that I enjoy riding! 

While riding, I learned I’m not a good leader, but I’m a good follower.  I’m not one to set the pace, but I can follow whoever is leading and it makes me motivated to stay with them.  My walk with God and missions has been like this.  The Lord is leading, and I’ve been following where He tells me to go.  When He says turn left, I turn left.  When He says slow down, I slow down.  The ride with Him isn’t always smooth—there are bumps, but we ride over them together.  There are roadblocks and the detour route is even better. 

The one day we were riding in Florida and we had to stop because there was a bus ahead who was picking up a child with disabilities and they had to use the wheelchair lift.  We were getting a little antsy waiting, but then continued on.

My first thought, went back to the farm and my days working with the Growers (and how I MISS THEM!).  I learned quickly that I had to ignore the comments, gestures, etc from others when we were out in the community and the growers were walking slowly, talking loudly, or doing things unconventionally. 

Sometimes, that’s how our walk with God is too—that’s definitely how my walk in missions has been. It looks a bit different from the rest of the world.  I’m an independent missionary working with several different organizations.  I live with a lot of different families who welcome me with open arms while I’m in Africa.  I listen to the Lord and decided where to go and when—and sometimes it doesn’t seem to make any sense to the people on the outside. 

We continued on our way.  On the way back, we made it through several stop lights with GREEN. Someone mentioned they were thankful for God’s favor.  My comment was—and if we hadn’t waited for the bus, we might have hit every single red light later.

It again reminded me of my current situation.  I fought to stay in Kenya as hard as I could, but closed door, after closed door.  The Lord was telling me to wait and to come back…  In this wait, I’ve been refreshed and poured into.  I’ve found a love of bikes.  I’ve been able to do lots of physical activity, something I realized I had neglected in Kenya.  I’ve been able to spend sweet time with my family.  I’ve been able to connect with friends and see babies.  I’ve been able to be outdoors—in the flower beds, in the garden, in the WARM weather and not the freezing cold of winter.  I also get to attend a wedding of a really good friend.  This all NEVER would have happened had I had MY WAY. 

Before I left for Kenya, I was hiking with Alivia one day.  On the hike, she was pulling ahead (naturally) and I was following.  Every now and then she would look back to make sure I was following.  Sometimes she would start to go down a path, and it wasn’t the right one so I had to get her back on track.  Sometimes, I’m like Alivia.  Thinking I know the way and making my plans.  But God is sometimes there gently pulling me in a different direction, telling me that’s not the path he wants me to go down right now. 

Lastly, while I was in Kenya, I was riding with my two friends.  I wrote a post about it already here.  But the moral of that was that God is for us.  He goes before us.  He cheers us on and protects us from behind.  And other times he’s right there beside you.  And once you start listening and spending time with him, you get this adrenaline rush that keeps you coming back for more!!

It’s not always easy or fun to go off track of your plan.  But, I can guarantee God’s plan is better.  And we have to learn to listen to his voice, feel the tug, and be fully present.  And we have to remember his faithfulness!  Write it down when something cool happens so you can look back and remember. 

Changed plans of 2021:

Instead of Uganda:

  1. I got to go to Turkana (in Kenya) and take information on girls who needed school fees.  Every single one of them has now been sponsored!  Additionally, I met a man Isaac who had a profound impact on my life.  
  2. I was able to help with a medical camp in Pokot and see hundreds get help.  In addition, I made new friendships and was able to work as part of a big team.  
  3. I got to spend more time with a sweet family in Nairobi, better my skills at making African dishes, and preach at a church.
  4. I was able to come back to the USA and spend time with my family.  I spent time with mentors and rode bikes (a LOT).  I caught up with friends. I was able to do a lot of summer things.  I get to go to a wedding! (I can’t begin to explain how HUGE of a miracle this is).
  5. I get to go BACK to Kenya (I leave 9/24) refreshed, restored, and renewed to take on new adventures for 2 months!     

Count your many blessings and see what God has done!!  Who knows, the bump in the road might be the jolt you need to be reawakened and the detour might just be the sweetest and most beautiful path you’ve ever taken.


Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.  Psalm 119:105

“I say then, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.” Galatians 5:16

“Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” John 8:12 




I plan to continue this mission journey throughout 2022.  Prayers, above anything else are appreciated! 

If you feel led to support, here are your options:

-Send a check/cash to my home address:  Checks will be cashed while I’m away.

-Venmo: @Kelly-Fahnestock

-Paypal: @kfahnestock 


Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support and enabling me to be your hands and feet in East Africa!