Being still in today’s world is hard.  We are pulled in and distracted by so many things.  We have tons of demands put on us and put a ton of demands on ourselves.  I apologize for such a delayed update–but this one resonates from Church Camp.  Pastor Dave Williams gave the sermon on Sunday to the staff before all the campers arrived.  His main message was about stillness (Ps. 46:10).  When is the last time you took even 15 minutes to just sit there, look at God’s beauty and hear his testimony of greatness?

We took some time, went out to the lobby of the gym and looked outside.  It was pouring, but we all took the time to listen to what God was impressing on our lives.  For me, there is an old carving of hands praying.  They are worn, but have been good at praising in God in all seasons of life. 

This theme that Dave presented really hit home the week of camp.  It was an incredibly busy week, getting up at 6am, (4am for the flat rock hike) and often going to bed around 12:30am.  However, each and every day I took time in the morning to do my devotions and then at morning free time, rest time, and our long free time, I would take some time to read Kingdom Journeys (a book written by Seth Barnes-the founder of the World Race) and just relax.  I also made a vow not to use my cell phone for the week—to truly stay disconnected from life at home.  There were still a ton of demands put on me at camp (waking girls up for showers, hall duty, leading devotions, making sure everyone is accounted for at activities, monitoring areas during free time, etc) but after being at camp for a week, when I returned home on Saturday, I was still refreshed.  Often, I am tired and could use another week to recuperate.

What if we took time in our lives daily to really meditate upon God and his word?  Why not take 5 minutes right now?  Look at this picture–look outside–listen to the rain, the birds chirping, the air conditioner humming…just BE STILL.Flat Rock BeautyAt work, I’m constantly bombarded by staff needing assistance, paperwork, deadlines, and you name it!  I often work as I eat my lunch, not really taking that time to break off and give myself stillness to bask in God’s goodness. As I went back to work the next two weeks, I was still hit with demands and didn’t take that breather time at work.  It’s a hard habit to break, but I’m going to work on it. 

I encourage you to also find time to sit with God, embrace his goodness, and lean on him through all circumstances.  Don’t have a daily devotion time?  Start one.  When you learn to take time to BE STILL in the good, you will be able to distinguish God and what he is saying in the tough times.


When you worry, you are saying, “I need to be in control; I have to do something about that; I have to master that.” Give it all to God!


PS.  Here is my group of fantastic ladies for the week. 


He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10