Dear GPC family,

You may already know that I have been planning to go into full-time ministry after graduating from UC Davis in June. I was planning on joining staff with Campus Crusade, but recently the Lord has given me another opportunity to grow in servanthood and in tangibly showing the Love of Christ to people all over the world. I came upon a program called The World Race sponsored by a mission’s organization called Adventures in Missions (AIM).

Beginning in September I will take 11 months to travel around the world to help those in need. I will be a servant and live like those I am serving. We will travel to nearly 11 countries over the next year carrying everything we need on our backs. When we travel, we’ll do so cheaply, and in many places, we’ll stay in tents or wherever people invite us to stay. As we go, we seek to serve partner ministries and Adventures in Missions full-time missionaries that are caring for the poorest of the poor. I will have the opportunity to work in orphanages, hospitals, and to help plant churches all over the world through evangelism and discipleship.

I thank God for this opportunity and trust He will meet my needs. Ultimately, my prayer is that He will do that through YOU. I would be honored if you could partner with me prayerfully. James says that the prayer of a righteous man is POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE, and my ministry is nothing without your prayers! I am specifically asking for seven people who will commit to pray for me one day each week until I return.

A number of you may be in a position to financially contribute to my support. Although we will be living very minimally I will still need to raise money for travel and basic living expenses. I need to raise approximately

$18,000 to go; that’s only $1500 a month. My biggest financial need is for monthly donors (people committed to giving a monthly donation as opposed to a one-time donation). I calculated that if only 9 people gave $200 each month, 17 people gave $100 each month, or 33 people gave $50 each month, then I would meet my goal! Any monthly donation no matter the amount is greatly appreciated and needed.

You can donate by credit card on my website, it’s completely safe and secure and tax deductible, just click on “Support Me!”.

If you would like more information by snail mail on how to support me please click on Contact Me and give me your address so that I can get that information to you soon.

I will also be speaking at GPC on May 13th and setting up appointments to share my heart with you. If you would like to meet with me in person please Contact me or send me me an e-mail at [email protected]. I am also looking for referals or people that you may know who may be interested in this awesome opportunity. Please let me know if you have any family or friends that you think I should contact.

You can find more information about the World Race at I will be posting an online journal, like this, throughout the preparation process and after I leave. I encourage you to check it out at

I am excited to see how God will grow me in the area of tangibly showing His love to those who have not seen or heard it. I hope not only to be a blessing to those I serve, but also to you. My desire is to go as your representative of Jesus Christ. I hope you will prayerfully consider being a part of my ministry. Thank you so much for your support!

To the Ends of the Earth… literally,

Kelly O’Bar

1219 Harvard Drive

Davis, CA 95616


[email protected]

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