I will be spending my Tuesday evening this week in LA at Dodger Stadium for the first of a 3 game series against the Giants (sorry WR teammates I probably won’t make our conference call this week). Now with Barry Bonds at his 754th juiced-up home run there is the a good chance that the big 7-5-5 will be at Dodger stadium in the presence of his enemies.

Famed LA times sports columnist

Bill Plaschke wrote his column on Friday about what Dodger fans’ reaction should be if Bonds hits 755 in the Dodger’s backyard. Of course the natural and assumed response would be to BOO him. But we’re Dodger fans and we love and respect baseball too much for that. Here is what Bill suggests to do if Dodger fan’s biggest nightmare comes true:

“To cheer Bonds, to cheer anyone from his team, is to betray your
baseball soul. With all due respect to the former Dodgers heroes, it is
tough to ask Dodgers fans to applaud not only a Giant, but a giant

But then, to boo Bonds is to disrespect the game’s greatest record.
Once that ball settles into a pavilion, there will be no asterisk, no
explanation, only an indelible record and a videotape of you … jeering

At the time, booing might seem perfect. Twenty years from now, it will seem petty.

So, is there something you can say that shows you support baseball’s history without supporting the villain who has stolen it?




Greet the loudest hit in baseball history with a silence that will fill
Dodger Stadium with dignified dissent, a silence that might fill
someone’s ear hole with a tad of remorse, a silence that will last a

Talk about a shot heard round the world.”

You can read Bill’s whole article here