So a couple friends from Davis and I went down to San Luis Obispo this weekend for an OEX summer project reunion, and I was sitting in Starbucks this afternoon having a quiet time and kind of reflecting on my weekend. I started to get really sad/nostalgic. It all is beginning to hit me that college is over, there are some people I will never see again, and many that I will see very infrequently. I was crying in the middle of starbucks (which reminded myself of why I have QTs at home!) thinking about how I will never again have this intense, convenient, and amazing community like I do now! My friend Nolan always jokes about all of us just living in a Crusade commune after graduation so that we don’t have to leave each other- the idea is sounding really good!

Usually I’m the person who is not content in the present and always dreaming and desiring the future, but right now I am so unbelievably content in the present that it hurts to dream about the future. Don’t get me wrong, I’m super excited about the World Race and know that I’ll have great life-long friendships (some have already begun!) as a result, but it hurts to imagine not seeing my amazing Davis, UCLA and SLO friends for a year, not to mention my family! So if any of you want to come visit me on the race you really really really should!!!

Anyway I’m working on letting go and really trusting God’s promise that He will never leave me alone and will always provide community! I’m also really just trying to be a sponge right now and soak up all that is going on around me and just enjoy the presence of my wonderfully loving friends, whom I don’t deserve. So call me, visit me, facebook me, do anything so that I can take it all in now!

Thanks for being my friend (doesn’t get much cheesier than that)!!! I love you guys!!!!