I thought I’d post some pictures from the wedding this weekend up north. It was so sad to say goodbye to my Davis friends but I’m excited to see where God is taking them and I know we’ll always have our D-town years!

Anneliese the beautiful bride and her daddy coming down the isle

My best friend Cindy and good friend Jon.

The bride and groom. Nolan cried like a baby… Anneliese was fine! Somehow I wasn’t surprised.

A few from our bible study plus my roomie Liz! (from left: me, Janae, Liz, Michelle, Sam)

waiting for the ceremony to start. (from left: Sam, Janae, Michelle, Me, Cindy)

we crammed like 11 people at our table… cuz we all wanted to be together! (from left: Me, Janae, Michelle, Sam, Isaac)

my friend Janae and I!

Liz and I goofing off before the ceremony!