Well I leave a week from tomorrow. And it doesn’t seem real.

People have been asking me how I’ve been feeling and to be honest I haven’t been feeling much. I’m not very excited and I’m kind of apathetic. But I’m strangely okay with that. God’s really been showing me that how I feel has very little to do with anything and that it’s more about my faith. “We walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7)” and “the righteous will live by faith (Hab 2:4)”.

With that said please be in prayer for:

* God’s peace and excitement to grow in the next week

* Supernatural connection and community with my team

* Packing to be smooth, painless, and stress-free

* The Goodbyes to be uplifting and encouraging

* Closure in SB for this season- at Reality, and with friends here.

And finally for the logistical, detail-oriented people like myself: I will fly from Santa Barbara to Atlanta on Weds, September 5th. I will spend a week in Gainesville, GA (AIM headquarters) for ignition training with my whole team. We fly out on September 13th ish to Thailand where we will spend our first month doing ministry.

Communication with me in the field: E-mail, facebook and comments to my blogs are always best, but I will be using an internet phone program called

. If you have skype already great. My skype name is kellyobar. Add me to your list. If not, my skype account allows me to call phone numbers in the US, so I can still give you a call whenever we have internet! 😀 exciting I know. I will not be using my cell phone on the race however I will have it with me for address book purposes and will be checking voicemail remotely. So please keep in contact!

My last few days in SB: Thursday is my last day of work at WEV. They’re having an ice cream goodbye party for me (I’m gonna miss this place!). Friday- Sunday my best friend from Davis comes to say goodbye. She’ll be with me as I’m commissioned and prayed for at church Friday night and at all 3 services on Sunday. Monday and Tuesday will be full packing days and Tuesday night I will meet with my prayer girls one last time before I leave!

       Look at the nations and observe- 
       and be utterly amazed! 
       For I am going to do something in your days
       that you would not believe,
       even if you were told. -Habakkuk 1:5