Throughout the support raising process I get this question a lot (or a version of it): Is financial support of missionaries really biblical?

I’ve come across and AMAZING BOOK about biblical financial living. It’s called
The Treasure Principle
by Randy Alcorn. This book answers pretty much every question about finances for the Christian. I encourage everyone to read it.

Here’s a quote from it:

Your Treasure Is Where Your Heart Will Be

12. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”
(Matthew 6:21). That’s the second key to the Treasure Principle.

By telling us that our hearts follow our treasure, Jesus is saying,
“Show me your checkbook, your VISA statement, and your receipts, and

I’ll show you where your heart is.”

Suppose you buy shares of General Motors. What happens? You suddenly
develop interest in GM. You check the financial pages. You see a
magazine article about GM and read every word, even though a month ago
you would have passed right over it.

Suppose you’re giving to help African children with AIDS. When you see
an article on the subject, you’re hooked. If you’re sending money to
plant churches in India and an earthquake hits India, you watch the news
and fervently pray.

As surely as the compass needle follows north, your heart will follow
your treasure. Money leads; hearts follow. [Pages 41-42]

You can read more quotes at:

I also encourage you to read the whole book! It’ll rock your world and the way you look at money in the best way possible!!!
And again if you have any questions shoot me an e-mail!