The Lord has put on my heart for a few weeks to type this blog, and I didn’t feel like I had the words to do it until now. Growing up, I looked at my relationship with Jesus like a check box of having to sit up straight at dinner, say my nightly prayers and be a good person. I thought as long as I was a good person, I was good to go. I was living the Christian life that I thought would be “good enough”. 


I have been going on mission trips since I was 14, I would love everything while I was there then I came home on a Jesus high for a few weeks then right back to my normal life I went. The seed of having a deeper relationship with the Lord was planted early on in my life, probably around 13 when I started going to a new church. I walked in and people were singing, having fun (having fun in church, that blew my mind) and the room was filled with smiles. I knew from then that I wanted whatever these people had, but I didn’t live that out or act upon it. Fast forward to 2018 when I went to Puerto Rico on my second mission trip there. My world was rocked I heard Jesus for the first time and felt His presence for the first time. At the time, I didn’t even know you could hear from him or see Him through other people. 


The light bulb finally lit up at Training Camp in October of 2019. (I am so thankful we serve a God of grace and patience). 8 years later, it all finally clicked. I started hearing His voice more than ever and He gave me prophetic words for people which kind of freaked me out. During worship I would get the urge to go up to someone and tell them something that came from the Lord that sometimes made no sense to me, but that doesn’t matter. It was for that person, not for me. 


I want to talk about God’s grace that I previously mentioned. The Lord loves us, so much. Like so much that I can’t wrap my mind around it. Our purpose in life, our only purpose is to just be loved by Him. That’s it. How beautiful and amazing?! The Lord gives us grace that we do nothing to deserve or earn. It’s just there. No matter what we have done in our lives or what we have been through, He is a proud Father just waiting for us to run to Him. And man, once we run to Him it is bliss. Living a Holy Spirit lead life is like nothing I have ever experienced. He fills me with His love and His presence every single day. He is living within me and I have seen so many amazing miracles happen because of Him. Just the other day, I had an intense pain in my stomach for about an hour and my team prayed over me and it literally went away instantly. No explanation, He just does things. His blessings are everywhere, we just need to open our eyes and look for them. He always provides and He never fails us. When He provides, it may not be what we expected. Sometimes it is so much better than we could ever imagine because He loves us so much! 


I want each and every one of my friends and family to experience His love because it is better than any high life could ever give you. Just run to Him and don’t look back. He will change your heart and He may prune some necessary things in your life but man it is worth it. Sometimes it’s hard, I am not going to lie. He pushes us into uncomfortable situations but I have learned by biggest lessons in those places. There is nowhere that we can run to that He can’t find us. He is everywhere and He just wants your love. Die to yourself and start living for Him, it is everlasting life with the best Father. It took me 22 years to fully accept Him into my life, I am making this blog to hopefully encourage people to accept Him today. I would love to journey with you because we are all still learning. There are SO many things that I get the opportunity to dive into and obviously we are always growing. I am no professional, but I have experienced His love and I am just trying to spread His love everywhere!!  

Thanks for keeping up with me!!

*I am currently doing a social media fast until I get to Chile and I have been fasting from all electronics for a little over a week, if you haven’t heard from me that’s why. Talk to you all soon. 

**prayer requests – fundraising! I have limited access to wifi and can’t easily spread the word about this mission, your help would be amazing!! clear minds for my squad and I as we enter a season of new experiences and new countries.