This month we did something the World Race has never done before. We created a team of the alumni team leaders, and pushed our teams out of the nest to fly on their own. 

So the past two weeks I’ve been living with four amazing girls who are now my friends. We’ve been doing a lot of reflecting, grieving, crying, laughing, and learning how to BE. It’s been a really sweet month with them. They’ve encouraged me in different perspectives. They’ve rooted for me to sing in front of people. They’ve allowed me to be myself.

I’ve made some new friends in this hostel. The staff is so sweet and so fun. They’re always checking on me. Of course their job is to make sure we have everything we need, but they also ask me how I’m doing emotionally. They’ve seen me crying and want to make sure I’m okay. This has opened up doors for me to share a little bit about myself and my testimony.

Ive got 13 days until I fly to the good ole USA. My only plan so far is to enjoy Christmas with my family. Im not sure what the Lord has for me next, but that’s okay. He knows. 

Thank you guys for supporting me through EVERYTHING you’ve done. From the donations to the prayer to the encouragement! My life has totally changed forever because you guys have believed in me. I am forever grateful. I love you all. 

I still have $1,257 to raise. I’m praying to be fully funded before I go home. 13 days!! I’m coloring this piano keys for every $20 donated. Can you help me today??