John 15:16 says, "You did not choose me, but I chose you and  appointed you so that you might GO and bear fruit—fruit that   will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father  will give you."  

The World Race, Gap Year


A decision I’ve been going back and forth with since I was in high school.

9 months… Could I do it? Could I be away that long? What if I get sick, what if the food is gross, what about my relationships, what if I wanted to come home. what about my cozy bed? What about…  Ill miss so much.

All the ifs are now wills, what WILL God do, what WILL I try new, where WILL I go, who WILL I meet, who WILL I share Jesus to, what WILL I become, how WILL I be His hands, His feet. Jesus WILL lead. Jesus WILL move.

My prayer: Father if this is what I’m suppose to do, let it be. if not shut the door & God hasn’t stopped opening doors.

the Call to my Calling 

1. Apply

After giving God the reigns and praying over Jeremiah 1:7 since Senior year “But the LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.”

I turned in my application, an application of 13 deep questions, real questions, about me, my relationships, and my Jesus.

2. The Interview

It was a Thursday at 9am, a beautiful morning, sun shining, birds chirping, I made my mom get up with me because I was so nervous. I made breakfast, had my quiet time, had my application out. and sat outside at the table waiting patiently.

9:01, the call from Georgia, Molly Fae. I picked up, so nervous, so excited, she was so sweet and calming, prayed with me before. A call that was suppose to be an hour, was only 18 minutes… She said that my application didn’t need any clarifying. In this call I shared my story, my testimony (1st time ever) shared about past relationships, my family, and  my life. It was as if we had known each other forever. When we were all finished, she asked if I had any questions and said that she was going to take all of her notes to her interview team and pray about it. I would know in the next 3-5 business days. (they were closed on friday, because of Good friday, so I had to wait till the next week)

3. The Call

All weekend I prayed over and over “God if this is what you have for me Allow it, but if not shut the door.”

Since she said 3-5 days I was thinking I would get the call later in the week.. I was wrong.

Monday afternoon at 3:13 another call from Georgia, I answered. I was accepted. Me? So much excitement and joy filled my soul. God opened all doors, and quicker than I thought. Still trying to wrap my head around this exciting adventure. Im going this is real life.

4. The calling

September 2018- June 2019

  • 3 continents in 9 months
  • $16,000 to fundraise
  • new friends, new adventures, new food, new cultures, new love, a whole lot of new.
  • going deeper with Jesus
  • impacting and transforming
“Spirit, lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would CALL me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior”

Heres to my calling. More to come, Kay♥