Over the last few months since announcing that I was going on the World Race, I’ve heard countless times how fortunate I am to spend nearly a year of my life on “vacation,” and how lucky I am to just travel around the world for a year without having to work or live in the real world.
I’d just like to clarify, the World Race is not a vacation. I am not going on this trip to holiday around the world and live off of other people’s money. I’m not going on this trip to take a break from the stress of everyday life. I’m not going on this trip to have some “me” time and check things off my bucket list.
On the World Race, I will be living for a year out of a backpack. I will only have with me what I can carry on my back, which includes the tent and sleeping bag I’ll be sleeping in for the better part of a year. I will be travelling to some of the poorest countries in the world, living in the same way the people of the country live. I will be surviving off of $5 a day, which will sometimes be enough and sometimes will not. There will be times when I don’t have access to a place to shower for weeks, and will have to make due with a muddy creek or whatever I can find. There will be days when I do not have access to fresh water to drink and end up sick from water-borne bacteria with no access to a hospital or medical clinic.
The World Race is not a holiday. I will be stretched and grown more than ever before. Is it an incredible opportunity to expand my horizons and experience new cultures? Absolutely. Will there be times when I get to see incredibly beautiful places and visit amazing world landmarks? Definitely. Will it be a breathtaking adventure? Yes.
But I am not giving up my comfort and safety to go on a year long holiday. The purpose of this trip is to go out into the World and bring love and hope into the darkest places. It is to live out life in the way Jesus called me to: by imitating Him through sacrificial love for others.
“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” – Ephesians 5:1 (NIV)
Going on the World Race is an offering of my life and everything that is familiar to God. It is an opportunity to love and serve others in the way God has called us all to, humbly and selflessly. It is not a true offering to God if it doesn’t take sacrifice, and this trip will take daily sacrifice.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” – Romans 12:1 (NIV)
It will not be easy, but it will be so worth it.
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**I need your support in order to go on the World Race. If you’d like to donate, please read my post about fundraising to find out how!**
***Check out and subscribe to my sister’s blog at mayakuipers.theworldrace.org***