Here's a little more update on where we've been over the month!


We stayed a few days in Battambang, Cambodia- a smaller town a few hours away from Siem Reap. The town is not very large, but lots of people fill the busy streets selling bread, fruits and such to the people who walk by. 

While in Battambang, we managed to find a place to stay- hoping to introduce ourselves into more western hang out spots, and ended up in UK inspired backpacking destination called Here Be Dragons on "bonfire" night- a night in honor of what would be cold weather in England filled with beer and bonfires on the beach. Though the company was incredibly friendly, we over estimated our ability to rough it in the no fan or a/c and no mosquito netted rooms… apparently if you have enough booze you don't seem to mind, but our sober minds were keenly aware of the creepy crawlies in the night. Though our two nights were fun filled with some interesting conversation with the backpackers traveling through, we packed up and moved across the river to a hotel. Yay for A/C, separate beds and no bugs (we may be getting a bit spoiled, but we'll take it while we can). The Royal Hotel proved to be a perfect spot for us to get to nearby cafes owned and run by christian non-profits hoping to reach out to the street kids and orphans that overflow the city. 

We made connections at several cafes, one run by YWAM ministries, and another that hosts a wednesday morning bible study for organizations and pastors of the area. We were able to stumble upon some incredible ministries starting up that are in need of helping hands. The Lord once again proved Himself to be leading us in every direction, down to the people we talk to on the streets and the cafes we choose for lunch!

We loved our time in Battambang, but decided to take a couple days for a mental break as an early Thanksgiving- since two of our teammates won't be with us for the holidays. 

Islands, oceans, sand and salt. The perfect relaxing vacation our hearts needed from a few weeks in the grind of the big cities. We arrived late at night after a 10 hours busride (that actually took upwards of 16hrs). Bombarded by tuk tuk drivers, we eventually found one who could take us to our beach-side, mushroom shaped  bungalow. A dorm room filled with new friends, we shared big, round foam beds covered by a princess style mosquito net, alongside the ocean. PERFECT! We spent the days in the ocean, soaking up the sand, salt and sun. And at night we made new friends along the beach and with the bartender- a funny young man who rode his bike from Amsterdam. We quickly learned the people who end up in Sihanoukville usually never find their way back home, getting lost in the bar scenes. Yet, in the midst of what could be seen as a somewhat meaningless existence, we were able to make some hilarious memories of our own, making new friends in strange places. 

And we tragically underestimated the power of the equator sun…

Overall, our time in Sihanoukville, though not particularly our scene, was relaxing and so fruitful for our souls. We took a tour of the surrounding islands, snorkeling and soaking up more sun with the native vacationers. We made lots of new friends on the beaches, especially with the young women selling bracelets. We found rest & some much needed fun in the sun before our 16 hour bus ride back to Phnom Penh (our bus broke down)…

Stranded in Cambodia for a few hours is always a good reason for Erika to bust out her mandolin and have a jam session with the locals!

We're in Phnom Penh now, working to find more organizations. We've been able to uncover so many, and tour a few who are doing incredible things for the people medically, financially and ethically. We've seen how God is using men and women to fight for the poor and underprivileged of this nation, working to rescue young girls sold into slavery, men who find themselves without options and get them an education, good health and a good job.

Be praying for our team! We are going where The Lord leads. Pray also for health- Cambodia is notorious for some nasty viruses for westerners. Also, pray for our team over the holidays. It will be tough for us to be away from home, but we wouldn't trade where we are for anything. Pray also for Erika as she has travelled home to visit her family over the holidays and spend some quality time with her dad. 

More updates to come! Much love!