Why yes… I spelled fundraising "fun" raising, because IT'S SO FUN! I have loved getting to partner with people, being blessed financially and spiritually by those of you who give so freely to help me on my journey! Thank you! I am more than blessed!!!

So here's a fun challenge to anyone who's up for it & a little info on my trip for those who don't know:

This September I'm going on a mission trip to 11 countries over 11 months! I'll be living out of a tent, trekking with only my backpack and learning to love people all over the world, sharing how much God loves them. I cannot wait to go, but I NEED YOUR HELP! 

I'm asking all of my facebook friends, twitter followers, blog friends, classmates (anyone!) to help me raise $$ to go on this incredible adventure. If each one of you donates $11 (or more if you're feeling generous) to my trip, I WILL BE OVER $10,000! MORE THAN HALF THE COST I HAVE TO RAISE!

Here's the challenge:
Over the next few days skip a couple early morning starbucks runs, drive through chick-fil-a, late night movie rentals, etc.

2 skips= about $11 

🙂 use that $11 to support me changing the world 11 countries at a time.

DONATE ON OR BEFORE MAY 11TH! (or after…for us procrastinators)

-mail cash or checks to my address (facebook message me if you need it-kaylaynn mcadams)
-donate online under the "support" tab of my blog! (to the left!)

Please pray about supporting me. You can partner with me on this adventure, helping love, support and encourage families around the world in the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Nepal, India, China, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Romania and the Ukraine. Who says we can't be WORLD CHANGERS! You can help! $11 for World Race.