It’s the end of summer…

And everything is new.

I would love to catch you up on a little glimpse of my summer here in Georgia at Adventures in Missions.  

(Gap P leaders, Mckayla, Lo & Hilary at Final Debrief in Ecuador)

To say the summer has been full, would be an understatement. It has been sweet in all of it’s ways, and full of quite a long list of unexpected things. Gap P finished out their time on the field in May, and transitioned into being stateside.  I, in turn, hung my hat up as a squad mentor and started transitioning into a different role at Adventures. The grieving and processing has been tough, but as I continue to look back over the past 3 years, I am incredibly thankful.

Getting ready for a new role, helping with training camp and everything in between, I’ve become exceedingly thankful for this community of people I’ve been able to surround myself with for the past 3 years. It’s amazing to realize that these people I’ve lived with, have become family in the truest sense!

(Our house celebrating Sam’s 30th in Gainesville, Georgia)

Mentoring has equally been the most incredible privilege and my largest sacrifice. I continue to learn more about myself, my strengths as a woman of God, and my weaknesses as a leader through journeying year after year with young believers.

The past few months were full of decisions about what’s next.  As I landed on transitioning into a new role, I’ve been working on finding the places where I can use my gifts while also creating some more steadiness and roots for my soul. The wanderlust will bite again, I’m sure, but for now I’ll be posting up stateside for a bit.


So what’s next…

I’ve officially accepted a job with Adventures in Missions at CGA! It’s our on campus leadership and bible training school, where racers come back to Georgia after their time overseas and get to live in community, work in Gainesville, and spend time each morning in classes learning about bringing what they learned on the World Race back home.

Check it out here!

I get the privilege to be one of the instructors at CGA, so I help brainstorm, create and teach a collection of topics and life skills to these young believers. It’s such a blessing to get to give away glimpses of my life and walk with the Lord, as well as the wealth of knowledge in leadership I’ve learned over the past few years.

(Lexi, Ky and Courtney from the CGA class)

Continuing with Adventures in Missions allows me to still be a part of the community I’ve come to love, and to build the Kingdom in the lives of racers as they transition back into American life again. It’s such a sweet opportunity to continue sowing seeds and helping believers uncover more of the Spirit of God and their calling in their life.

This life season is exciting and exhausting all rolled into one, but I wouldn’t trade the stories and lives I get to watch change in front of my eyes. I’m constantly thankful for the friendships and privilege to walk alongside people as they run after the Lord. Sometimes this kind of life feels too much to handle, but I’m learning the art of steadfastness, and being thankful for the little things.


Another announcement: I’m also working part-time for an artisan boutique in Gainesville called Purchase Effect. It was started by another Adventures in Missions employee who wanted to promote the incredible artisans she’s met overseas while creating an outlet to send profits back to support local ministries in the countries the artists live and work in! Check it out at,


I’m currently $1500 behind in my end of the year goal in financial support as I continue working for Adventures in Missions. My deadline is quickly approaching on September 30th.


You guys have been an incredible support for me, and I’m so thankful for the way you’ve cheered me on prayerfully and financially this far. If you want to help get me back on track, there’s a link below with information on support.

All this to say, thank you for helping me live a sweet life. It’s the best I could ask for.

