What does love require of me?

This inquiry has been floating around my head for the last week.  I watched a sermon series months ago where this question was proposed, and while it seemed to have meant something then, I suppose I had forgotten about it in the meantime.  It was recently asked again, and brought on a whole new meaning.

What does love require of me?

What does LOVE require of me?


Love requires that I pack up all of my things, take what I need in a [probably too large] backpack and travel Latin America for 11 months, sharing the Good News that has been shared with me.

Love requires that I abandon my pride and ask for financial assistance and prayer warriors to rise up for my upcoming endeavor.

Love requires that I say goodbye to the best pets anyone could ask for.

Love requires that I miss my best friend's birthday, for the third time.

Love requires that I meet people where they're at.

Love requires that I get on my knees and pray for my friends who are hurting.

Love requires that I sacrifice everything I love, to show I love Him more.

Love requires that I respond to His love, by taking care of myself because He loves me.

Love requires that I fight.

Love requires that I surrender.

Love requires that I am not the brightest where it's the lightest, but if only a light in the dark.

Love requires that it costs me something — lest it be worth nothing.

Love requires that all of me is poured out.

Love requires my intentionality.


What if love was the filter through which my words and actions would come?

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 'By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.' " — John 13:34-35


What does love require of you?