Yay it’s time for another update!

About a week and a half ago I got back from training camp – where I met my entire squad!


This was taken just before we

After a week of spiritual training sessions and real-world practical race sessions, we were able to do some team building exercises that tested us as individuals and as a team.  After much deliberation (by that of course I mean prayer), the squad leaders and coaches told us our teams!




I wasn’t quite sure how I would feel about all of these individuals.  It’s not usual that you meet 50 of your peers and instantly call them family.  But that’s really what it is.  Sure, facebook helped connect us in the beginning, but even those that weren’t on facebook gelled with the rest of us like there was no separation.

I am so excited for the next year.  I love each of them on my squad, and I am SO excited to spend the next year living with these beautiful ladies!  It is really no surprise to me that I’m on an all-women squad.  All women’s college – I thrive in all-women environments!

The last bit of exciting news is…



I’ll be traveling to Atlanta, GA January 5, 2014 for 5 days of training
and then will leave the country January 9, 2014 for our first destination!