So, you're interested in supporting me financially…  Here are some things you should know.

Tax-deductible donations can be made electronically or by check.  There are pros and cons to the three options available.

Option 1 – Online Donations via Support Me!

  • Pros:  Processing takes about 3 days to post to my account
  • Cons:  You will have an additional transaction fee of 3% for Credit and Debit card donations, and 2% for electronic bank drafts


Option 2 – Check Donations via Fundraising Card

  • Pros:  NO processing fees!
  • Cons:  Slower processing time means it can take up to 2 weeks to post to my account


Option 3 – Automatic Recurring Donations via DynaPay

  • Pros:  Again, NO processing fees!  Help spread out your donations over a period of time.
  • Cons:  A sign-up is required, and you must cancel your recurring donations by either July 1st or the time I am fully supported, whichever is sooner.  The payments will continue until you actively cancel the donations.

Option B is to support me personally as I start acquiring necessary items and gear needed for the trip (e.g., tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, camping supplies), travel money to our launch location and then back home in November, and spending money while on the trip.  The $14,285 I need to raise through AIM will cover traveling between the countries, housing, food, insurance and other necessities.  If we decide to go out to eat, buy souvenirs, or partake in fun activities on our days off, that is all separate spending money we'll have to coordinate on our own.

Cons to this option is that there is no tax-deductibility for these funds.  Please send me a private message if you are interested in supporting me in this way.

Option C (really an option I thought of just now!) would be to support me in fundraising efforts!  If you have ideas on fundraising events and/or would like to help coordinate an event, that would be much appreciated!!  Some ideas would be to have a silent auction, garage sale, benefit concert or dinner.

Thank you all for your love and support.  I appreciate every bit from the bottom of my heart.