I don't know for how long, but it seems like it's been weeks, each night while I try to fall asleep, I think back on God's blessings throughout the day.  I am constantly being overwhelmed by His goodness.  His greatness.

It is from the little things that He knows will make me laugh and smile, to huge things that I know I couldn't have accomplished myself.  He knows just what it is I need, and when and how to provide it.  It's not even always me He's blessing (directly) but He will use me to bless another.

It is not by chance or accident dear friends are placed on my heart and I have an urge to contact them.  This was proven clearly this weekend.  God is a master choreographer, composer. 


It's basically the greatest snowball effect one could imagine.


I want to say this in the humblest way possible, but I am really not a ton focused on my own fundraising.  Since embarking on this journey, I have had such complete confidence that this was where I needed to be, that raising the finances didn't seem like an issue.  There were confirmations left and right – I knew God had me right where he wanted me.  This is not to say I did not have stumbling blocks, or doubts, or major things to learn – I did.  But I had faith that this was God's plan and that He would provide.  He would provide the right people at the right time to offer the financial support to sustain me.  He is the One who works in their hearts.


The absolute number one thing I need now and will need the next 12 months is prayer.


I have been learning lately just how powerful prayer is.  Prayer will move mountains – prayers even now are moving mountains!  


Every night I pray with thanksgiving the blessings God has been providing me, the blessings God has used me to provide, and even blessings I trust He will provide.  It is such an awesome thing to fall asleep with a smile on your face, knowing that God has got you.

God has blessed me with such a supportive friend group.  A year ago, I could not have imagine the people God would place in my life.  These people honestly give me hope for humanity, as terrible as that may sound.  They make my heart grow, and I didn't know I could love this many people at once – and to know that they each love me is astounding.

Not all of the cash is confirmed yet, but using an unofficial number, I am amazed to say that I have less than $5,000 to raise.  Yes, that's for the entire race.  Yes, I do have until July 1st to get there.  How have I done it?  God.  I haven't done a thing.  I have been blessed with opportunities to just be with people and enter into relationships with them, and they have chosen to partner with me on my journey.  I have been overwhelmed and blown absolutely away by everything that has happened.  

This is my best attempt to put into words what I am feeling in my heart and soul.  And I still feel like it leaves something more to be desired.


Your love never fails; it never gives up; it never runs out on me.