11 countries in 11 months. Yes I know – kind of insane. But also crazy cool. 

I heard about the World Race for the first time while in Honduras in 2014. Even though I love to travel, I honestly never thought I would be a participant, aka a racer. I’ve always had a heart for missions and longed to serve as a long-term missionary – but later in life, maybe after graduate school, probably in a medical capacity. I never thought I’d be backpacking for 11 months to countries I’d only dreamed of visiting before getting my degree and without having any “qualifications.”

After two application cycle for a Masters degree in Genetic Counseling, and two rejections in the same field I was frustrated and angry. Tired of spending my time in limbo where I don’t have a real job or career, but I’m also not a student. And so, partially out of frustration I applied to the World Race, a trip I didn’t really see in my future because I mean a whole year out of the country, what about application cycles? Surely now wasn’t the time. But, God. His timing is better than mine (a lesson I am learning and re-learning… and re-learning). And so after quickly sending off my application I was promptly accepted.

And so in October I launch with my squad to set off on this crazy adventure. 11 countries in 11 months. First stop Peru. It’s a leap of faith. I’m wildly unprepared in the most practical of ways. I need gear, hiking backpack, a tent, a bedroll, shoes that are not flip flops (all things you definitely don’t need or even learn about when you live at the beach).

And I need financial support. Like all mission trips fundraising is an expected part. It’s just that this trip lasts 11 months and as such costs far more. But, God. I am confident this is where I’m meant to be and so I am confident that He will provide.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you will follow along on this wild wonderful adventure called The World Race (or as my father loves to call it, The Journey to the Center of the Earth).

– Kayla